

  • 西北大学地理系

网络出版日期: 1982-10-15


  • Department of Geography, Northwest University

Online published: 1982-10-15


一、论题的由来 自然地理学在六大自然基础科学中属地学学科之一,农业科学属于自然科学与人类社会之间相互联系的技术学科。一般来说,基础科学都通过一门或两门应用技术学科与社会生产发生联系;并通过应用接受实践的检验和促使自身地发展。反之,技术科学的水平高低,通常又决定于基础科学的发展水平,这是自然科学发展史中人所皆知的一条科学发展规律;也是基础科学和技术科学相互依赖的原因。


李治武, 吴伯甫 . 自然地理学与农业[J]. 地理学报, 1982 , 37(4) : 341 -348 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198204001


Based on the relation between basic science and technology, this article intents to discuss why physical geography is a foundation of agricultural technology and one of its aims is to serve agriculture.- We mention that physical geography as a foundation of agriculture is in accordance with the following facts: 1) At present the way to raise agricultural yields other than to breed improved varieties is to improve the ecological conditions, expand the area under cultivation and rationally use of the land resources-all these are within the study scopes of physical geography. 2) Through the ages physical geography has played a supporting role in the improving of agricultural productions. Writings of physical geography such as "Yu Gong" in ancient times, and "Qi Min Yao Shu" later, in the history of China, are remarkable examples in this respect. After the foundation of new China in order to have a rapid advance in agricultural production, the party and comrade Mao Tse-tung worked out the famous measures "the Programme for Agricultural Development" and "the Eight point Charter for Agricuture" in both of which geographical conditions are placed in an outstanding. Today in carrying out construction of modern agriculture in our country, agricultural regionalization and balance of ecology should be based on. From what said above it shows that physical geography played an important part in agricultural production. 3) Besides productive requirement there are still enormous significance attached to the comprehensive character, regionalism and productiveness of physical geography. Today in developing agricultural production we should make sufficient use of natural resources of agriculture on one hand, protect natural resources and build good ecosystem on the other are also required. Entrusted with this very complicated mission if we want the mutual relation ship of natural elements to develop as man expected we have to approach the problems in accordance with the regularity of the changes of nature, the law of area differentiation and the patterns of various natural productiveness. It is natural to regard physical geography as a fundamental science as well as to believe its main aim is to serve the agriculture.In tackling the problem of how physical geography serves agricultural production, we suggest that natural regionalization and evaluation of landquality, overall plan of agricultural production and construct of fields with high and stable yields, in accordance with the law of materialization of scientific theories and the need for physical geography in production. These measures are: 1) able to meet the requirements in different stages of agricultural development, viz. requirements in stages of observation, planning and implementation, 2) conform to the processes of recognizing and utilizing natural environment by man, and 3) accord with the general law of materialization of scientific theories.
