

  • 北京大学城市与区域规划系,北京 100871
柴彦威 (1964-), 男, 博士, 主要从事城市地理与行为地理学的教学与研究。E-mail: chyw@pku.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2004-04-07

  修回日期: 2004-06-26

  网络出版日期: 2004-12-25



Progress of Geographical Study on Consumer Behavior in Japan

  • Department of City and Regional Planning, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received date: 2004-04-07

  Revised date: 2004-06-26

  Online published: 2004-12-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40171034




柴彦威, 王茂军 . 日本消费者行为地理学研究进展[J]. 地理学报, 2004 , 59(7s) : 167 -174 . DOI: 10.11821/xb20047s023


The geographical studies on consumer behavior in Japan began in the 1970s, prospered during the 1980s and turned to the period of decline after 1990. They were greatly influenced by the behaviorism originating in America and Europe. This article tries to summarize the characteristics of the progress of Japanese consumer behavior studies since the 1970s, from various viewpoints such as spatial choice models, multi-place and multipurpose trips, time geographical approach, commercial spatial structure and consumers' attributes. Consumer behavior studies in Japan followed the trends of behavioral geography and humanistic geography after the World War II, and the focus had shifted from normative studies such as those on quantitative models and commercial central place to behavioral study. The studies emphasizing individual differences, relating to other behaviors and concerning with social relevance were taking the place of positivism research and came to be the mainstream. The characteristics of consumer behavior studies in Japan can be summarized as follows: (1) paid more attention to residents rather than consumers; (2) made full use of the ever-increasing formal commercial surveys and consumer behavior surveys; (3) distinguished themselves in micro-level empirical study; (4) had obvious development in qualitative studies; (5) began to apply GIS to the consumer behavior studies; (6) lacked social relevance and had few planning and policy oriented studies, but (7) the application oriented studies had been becoming a new trend in response to the ever-increasing intensification of the competition between colleges since the 1990s.


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[高橋重雄. 経済地理学における消費者行動研究の一事例. 消費者行動研究, 1996, 32: 17-30.]

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[高桥重雄. 食料品の買物距離に及ぼすマルテイブルストップの影響. 地理学評論B, 1986, 59(2): 119-127.]

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[49] Todokoro Takashi. Changes in purchasing behavior caused by the opening of big stores: a case study in Kustatsu Area near Kyoto. The Human Geography, 1981, 33(3): 18-38.
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[50] Ikuta Masato. The adaptation process of consumer behaviors in Matsue city: an empirical study of the improved psychological human behavior analysis. The Human Geography, 1979, 31(6): 59-70.
[生田真人. 松江市の消費者行動にみられる適応過程—心理学的人間行動分析の一改善例. 人文地理, 1979, 31(6): 59-70.]

[51] Arai Yoshio. The mechanism of shopping behavior in the areas surrounding local central city. Annals of The Japan Association of Economic Geographers, 1979, 25(1): 14-31.
[荒井良雄. 地方中心都市周辺地域における購買行動の要因分析—新潟県丰栄市の事例. 経済地理年報, 1979, 25(1): 14-31.]

[52] Ichiminami Fumikazu. On the relationships between socioeconomic characteristics or consumers and their shopping behavior: a case study of Kukisaki-mura in Ibaraki Prefecture. The Human Geography, 1983, 35(3): 1-17.
[市南文一, 星 紳一. 消費者の社会経済的と買物行動の関係—茨城県茎崎村を事例として. 人文地理, 1983, 35(3): 1-17.]

[53] Kim Song-Mee. On the relationship between choice of shopping place of consumers and their personal characteristics: a case study of Kwangju City, Korea. The Human Geography, 1991, 43(2): 62-76.
[金松美.韓國光州市における消費者の購買地選択行動と個人特性との関係. 人文地理, 1991, 43(2): 62-76.]

[54] Yano Keiji. The GIS Support System for Regional Planning. Kyoto: Ritsumeikan University, 2001. 27-35.
[矢野桂司. 地理情報システムを用いた地域計画立案支援システム.京都: 立命館大学, 2001. 27-35.]

