

  • 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101
方创琳 (1966-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事人文地理与区域及城市发展研究。E-mail:fangcl@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2004-02-16

  修回日期: 2004-07-06

  网络出版日期: 2004-12-25


国家自然科学基金重点项目 (40335049); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目 (KZCX2-SW-318-03)

Recent Progress of Studies on Man-land Relationship and Its Prospects in China

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2004-02-16

  Revised date: 2004-07-06

  Online published: 2004-12-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40335049; Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS, No.KZCX2-SW-318-03




方创琳 . 中国人地关系研究的新进展与展望[J]. 地理学报, 2004 , 59(7s) : 21 -32 . DOI: 10.11821/xb20047s004


Based on the systemic summary of the progress of studies on man-land relationship in China since 1990, including its theories, methods and applications, a series of problems that should be urgently resolved in the study are put forward. And some important study orientations are viewed. Studies show that man-land areal system has always been regarded as the core of geographical study by geographers in China. Man-land relationship has been studied from various viewpoints. The basic characteristic, the embranchment and the evolvement trends of man-land system have all been discussed in detail. First, man-land relationship theories of new type have come into being, including man-land system optimization theory, man-land system coupling theory, man-land system dissimilation theory, man-land system dialectic theory, man-land system conflict theory, man-land system crisis theory, man-land system confusion theory, the Man-Earth Synergetics, man-land system intergrowth theory, huge system of universe-earth-human theory, and so on. And the theoretic system has also come into being step by step. Secondly, the methodological studies on man-land system are multiple. Qualitative and quantitative methods, mathematic simulation methods, 3S methods, and comprehensive integration methods are all used. Finally, the applications of man-land system theories are very successful. Regional sustainable development of different spatial and temporal scales has been studied. Although the recent progress of studies on man-land relationship in China is obvious, some problems still exist. For example, the research outlay and institutions are very short, the theoretic studies are not mature, the applications are not well popularized, and the geographers have little service consciousness. So in the future, the following important study orientations are viewed: (1) scientific development viewpoint should be followed and man-land relationship theories should be improved; (2) regional sustainable development and circle economy should be further studied; (3) global problems, global change and the corresponding regional response should be further studied; (4) comprehensive studies should be emphasized; (5) the mechanism, process, pattern and rhythm of controlling the man-land system should be further studied; and (6) environmental and ecological ethic should be further studied.


[1] Wu Chuanjun. Man-earth Relationship and Economic Allocation. Beijing: Academy Press, 1998. 28-33.
[吴传钧. 人地关系与经济布局. 北京: 学苑出版社, 1998. 28-33.]

[2] Mao Hanying. Man-earth System and Regional Sustainable Development. Beijing: China Science & Technology Press, 1995. 48-60.
[毛汉英. 人地系统与区域持续发展研究. 北京: 中国科学技术出版社, 1995. 48-60.]

[3] Wu Chuanjun. Man-earth areal system: the core of geographical study. Economic Geography, 1991, 11(3): 1-4.
[吴传钧. 论地理学的研究核心—人地关系地域系统. 经济地理, 1991, 11(3): 1-4.]

[4] Liu Shengjia. Academician Wu Chuanjun's huamn geographical thoughts and man-nature relationship system theory. Progress in Geography, 1998, 17(1): 12-18.
[刘盛佳. 吴传钧院士的人文地理思想与人地关系地域系统学说. 地理科学进展, 1998, 17(1): 12-18.]

[5] Lu Dadao, Guo Laixi. Man-earth areal system: the core of geographical study--on the geographical thoughts and academic contributions of Academician Wu Chuanjun. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1998, 53(2): 97-105.
[陆大道, 郭来喜. 地理学的研究核心: 人地关系地域系统——论吴传钧院士的地理学思想与学术贡献. 地理学报, 1998, 53(2): 97-105.]

[6] Lu Dadao. Theoretical studies of man-land system as the core of geographical science. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(2): 135-139.
[陆大道. 关于地理学的“人—地系统”理论研究. 地理研究, 2002, 21(2): 135-139.]

[7] Mao Hanying. The mechanism and control of regional sustainable development. In: Lu Dadao (ed.), Geographical Development and Its Innovation. Beijing: Science Press, 1999. 87-90.
[毛汉英. 区域可持续发展机理与调控. 见: 陆大道 主编, 地理学发展与创新. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999. 87-90.]

[8] Hu Zhaoliang. Man-land relationship rule. Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science), 1996, 19(1): 25-28.
[胡兆量. 人地关系发展规律. 四川师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 1996, 19(1): 25-28.]

[9] Jin Qiming et al. (eds.). Theory on Harmonizing Man-land System. Jinan: Shandong Education Press, 1993. 56-59.
[金其铭 等编著. 人地协调论. 济南: 山东教育出版社, 1993. 56-59.]

[10] Xiang Bao. Study on the evolution of man land system and man land relationship theory. Human Geography, 1999, 14(suppl.): 68-72.
[香宝. 人地系统演化及人地关系理论进展初探. 人文地理, 1999, 14(增刊): 68-72.]

[11] Cai Yunlong. Effects of science and technology on man-land relationship. Research on Natural Dialectic, 1995, 11(2): 11-18.
[蔡运龙. 科学技术在人地关系中的作用. 自然辩证法研究, 1995, 11(2): 11-18.]

[12] Cao Shitu, Wang Yanyong. Liang Qichao's researches on relation between human beings and geographical conditions and his academic thoughts. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1996, 16(1): 59-60.
[曹诗图, 王衍用. 梁启超的人地关系研究及其学术思想. 地理科学, 1996, 16(1): 59-60.]

[13] Yu Shaopeng. Constructing new man-land relationship for sustainable development. Journal of Harbin Teachers College, 1997, (1): 34-35.
[于少鹏. 建构可持续发展的新型人地关系. 哈尔滨师专学报, 1997, (1): 34-35.]

[14] Wu Yun. The development process of the theory on man-earth relationship and its philosophical and scientific basis. Journal of Shenyang College Education, 2000, 2(1): 96-99.
[吴云. “人地关系”理论发展历程及其哲学、科学基础. 沈阳教育学院学报, 2000, 2(1): 96-99.]

[15] Chen Guojie. Humanistic mechanism of sustainable development. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2000, 10(3): 7-9.
[陈国阶. 可持续发展的人文机制. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2000, 10(3): 7-9.]

[16] Gao Zhonghua, Xu Yuanyuan. New thoughts on relationship between human and nature during the environmental crisis. Journal of Harbin Teachers College (Philosophical and Social Science), 2004, 26(1): 29-33.
[高中华, 徐媛媛. 环境危机时代人与自然关系的新思考. 淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 26(1): 29-33.]

[17] Liu Bo. On Huge System of Universe-Earth-Human. Hefei: Anhui Education Press, 1993. 45-48.
[刘波. 天地人巨系统观. 合肥: 安徽教育出版社, 1993. 45-48.]

[18] Tong Yuying. The effects of institution factor on the population-land relations. Northwest Population, 2000, (4): 5-7.
[同钰莹. 试论制度因素对人地关系的影响. 西北人口, 2000, (4): 5-7.]

[19] Zhu Guohong. Theory on Man-earth Relationship. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1995. 23-25.
[朱国宏. 人地关系论. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 1995. 23-25.]

[20] Fang Xiuqi. Major features of man-environment relationship. Human Geography, 1999, 14(2): 20-22.
[方修琦. 论人地关系的主要特征. 人文地理, 1999, 14(2): 20-22.]

[21] Li Peixiang. Analysis on man-earth relationship and sustainable development. Journal of Teachers College Qingdao University, 1997, 14(3): 62-65.
[李培祥. 试析人地关系与可持续发展. 青岛大学师范学院学报, 1997, 14(3): 62-65.]

[22] Yang Qingshan, Mei Lin. Human-activity-geographical environment relationship, its system and its regional system. Economic Geography, 2001, 21(5): 532-535.
[杨青山, 梅林. 人地关系, 人地关系系统与人地关系地域系统. 经济地理, 2001, 21(5): 532-535.]

[23] Zuo Wei, Zhou Huizhen, Li Shuo. Sustainable development and human-environment relation system control. Human Geography, 2001, 16(1): 67-69.
[左伟, 周慧珍, 李硕. 人地关系系统及其调控. 人文地理, 2001, 16(1): 67-69.]

[24] Yang Guoan, Gan Guohui. Thoughts on complexity of human-earth system. Science and Technology Review, 2002, (3): 58-59.
[杨国安, 甘国辉. 人地系统复杂性思考. 科技导报, 2002, (3): 58-59.]

[25] Yan Shouyong. Human-earth system science and its applications to development of NSII. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003, 7(6): 509-512.
[阎守邕. 人地系统科学及其在NSII建设中的应用. 遥感学报, 2003, 7(6): 509-512.]

[26] Wang Aimin, Fan Shengyue, Liu Jialin et al. Research on the theory of man-earth relationship. Human Geography, 1999, 14(2): 38-41.
[王爱民, 樊胜岳, 刘加林 等. 人地关系的理论透视. 人文地理, 1999, 14(2): 38-41.]

[27] Zhu Guohong. Theory on Human-earth Relationship: System Study on the Relationship between Population and Land in China. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1996. 45-47.
[朱国宏著. 人地关系论—中国人口与土地关系问题的系统研究. 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 1996. 45-47.]

[28] Cai Yunlong. Sustainable development: a new approach to man-earth system optimization. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 1995, 6(3): 329-333.
[蔡运龙. 持续发展—人地系统优化的新思路. 应用生态学报, 1995, 6(3): 329-333.]

[29] Fang Chuanglin. The optimal control of regional human-earth system and its sustainable development. Earth Science Frontiers, 2003, 10(4): 256-259.
[方创琳. 区域人地系统的优化调控与可持续发展. 地学前缘, 2003, 10(4): 256-259.]

[30] Ai Nanshan. A way to the man-earth synergetics. Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Natural Science), 1996, 19(1): 32-34.
[艾南山. 从人文作用的定量模型到人地协同论. 四川师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 1996, 19(1): 32-34.]

[31] Li Houqiang, Ai Nanshan. The man-earth synergeticst. Proceedings of the Second Youth Learning Annual Meeting of China Association for Science and Technology: Sichuan Satellite Meeting Corpus (the second part). Chengdu: Southwest Traffic University Press, 1995. 111-115.
[李后强, 艾南山. 人地协同论. 中国科协第二届青年学术年会四川卫星会议论文集(下册). 成都: 西南交通大学出版社, 1995. 111-115.]

[32] Li Houqiang, Ai Nanshan. On the man-earth synergetics. Advance in Earth Sciences, 1996, 11(2): 178-182.
[李后强, 艾南山. 人地协同论. 地球科学进展, 1996, 11(2): 178-182.]

[33] Fu Xiuyong, Wang Jingong. Analysis on the contrary and coordinated man-earth relationship. Journal of Dezhou College, 2000, 16(3): 55-57.
[付修勇, 王金功. 论矛盾与和谐的人地关系. 德州高专学报, 2000, 16(3): 55-57.]

[34] Fang Chuanglin. The dynamical foundation for the system of man and earth in the district development planning. Earth Science Frontiers, 2000, (suppl.): 17-20.
[方创琳. 区域发展规划的人地系统动力学基础. 地学前缘, 2000, (专刊): 17-20.]

[35] Pan Yujun, Li Tianrui. Jam and way out: global problems and intergrowth of man and earth. Research on Natural Dialectic, 1995, 11(6): 1-3.
[潘玉君, 李天瑞. 困境与出路——全球问题与人地共生. 自然辩证法研究, 1995, 11(6): 1-3.]

[36] Wu Pansheng, Jia Wenyu. Man-land coupling theory: Journal of Hainan Normal University (Natural Science), 2002, 15(4): 51-53.
[吴攀升, 贾文毓. 人地耦合论. 海南师范学院学报 (自然科学版), 2002, 15(4): 51-53.]

[37] Li Houqiang. Nonlinear system, human-earth synergetics and system dialectics. World Science & Technology Research and Development, 1996, 18(5): 36-40.
[李后强. 非线性系统, 人地协同论与系统辨证论. 世界科技研究与发展, 1996, 18(5): 36-40.]

[38] Guo Yue, Wang Zuocheng. Human-earth relationship during the historic evolvement. Journal of Chongqing Normal University (Natural Science), 2002, 18(1): 23-25.
[郭跃, 王佐成. 历史演进中的人地关系, 重庆师范学院学报 (自然科学版), 2002, 18(1): 23-25.]

[39] Xiang Bao. Superficial talks on man-land system. Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University (Natural Science), 1994, (1): 75-78.
[香宝. 浅谈人地系统. 内蒙古大学学报 (自然科学版), 1994, (1): 75-78.]

[40] Wang Changzheng, Liu Yi. Analysis on the space-time characteristics of human-natural relationship. Areal Research and Development, 2004, 23(1): 7-10.
[王长征, 刘毅. 人地关系时空特性分析. 地域研究与开发, 2004, 23(1): 7-10.]

[41] Li Tiefeng. A discussion on the man-land relationship crisis and earth sciences. Journal of Hebei College of Geology, 1996, 19(6): 754-756.
[李铁锋. 论人地关系危机与地球科学. 河北地质学院学报, 1996, 19(6): 754-756.]

[42] Zhang Fuming. Man-land relationship: crisis, feature and thought on harmonization. China Population, Resources and Environment, 1993, 3(1): 35-39.
[张复明. 人地关系的危机和性质及协调思维. 中国人口·资源与环境, 1993, 3(1): 35-39.]

[43] Wang Aimin, Miao Leilei. Conflict and self-examination: thoughts on man-earth relationship at the contemporary era. Science·Economy·Society, 2000, 18(2): 66-68.
[王爱民, 缪磊磊. 冲突与反省—嬗变中的当代人地关系思考. 科学·经济·社会, 2000, 18(2): 66-68.]

[44] Xia Xiangyuan. From chaos to arousal: historic review on man-land relationship. Exploration, 1999, (6): 72-74.
[夏湘远. 从混沌到觉醒—人地关系的历史考察. 求索, 1999, (6): 72-74.]

[45] Yang Shijun. Environmental problems resulted from the dissimilation of human-natural relationship. Geographical Teaching References of Middle School, 2000, (10): 10-12.
[杨士军. 人地关系异化带来的环境问题. 中学地理教学参考, 2000, (10): 10-12.]

[46] Fang Xiuqi. The dissimilation of human-earth relationship and research on human-earth system. Human Geography, 1996, 11(4): 4-9.
[方修琦, 张兰生. 论人地关系的异化与人地系统研究. 人文地理, 1996, 11(4): 4-9.]

[47] Ye Daifu. The interactive mechanism of man-earth areal system and the sustainable development. Geographical Research, 2001, 20(3): 307-309.
[叶岱夫. 人地关系地域系统与可持续发展的相互作用机理初探. 地理研究, 2001, 20(3): 307-309.]

[48] Liu Jisheng, Chen Tao. A preliminary study on the non-linear interaction between man and land. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 1997, 17(3): 224-227.
[刘继生, 陈涛. 人地非线性相关作用的探讨. 地理科学, 1997, 17(3): 224-227.]

[49] Fu Zude. Foreword of Man-land Relationship Dialectic. Fujian Geography, 1999, 14(1): 1-4.
[傅祖德.《 人地关系辩证法 》序言. 福建地理, 1999, 14(1): 1-4.]

[50] Wang Liming. A theoretical and methodological study on the PRED-oriented modeling of man-land relationship system. Geographical Research, 1997, 16(2): 39-43.
[王黎明. 面向PRED问题的人地关系系统构型理论与方法研究. 地理研究, 1997, 16(2): 39-43.]

[51] Wang Jianhua, Gu Yuanxun, Sun Linyan. Study on dynamic models about man-earth relationship. System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2003, (1): 128-131.
[王建华, 顾元勋, 孙林岩. 人地关系的系统动力学研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2003, (1): 128-131.]

[52] Shi Peijun. Today and future of the dynamics of human-earth (earth surface) system. Earth Science Frontiers, 1997, 4(1-2): 201-204.
[史培军. 人地系统动力学研究的现状与展望. 地学前缘, 1997, 4(1-2): 201-204.]

[53] Yi Chuixiang. On earth's surface dynamics. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 1994, 25(4): 511-524.
[仪垂祥. 地球表层的动力学理论. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1994, 25(4): 511- 524.]

[54] Wu Dianting. Some problems in the study on human-land system with the methods of systematic dynamics. Tropical Geography, 1997, 17(1): 95-98.
[吴殿廷. 人地系统动力学研究中的几个问题. 热带地理, 1997, 17(1): 95-98.]

[55] Liang Liuke, Wu Cifang, Cao Xinxiang. On the sustainable development of regional personnel-land relationship. Journal of Pingdingshan Teachers College, 2001, 16(4): 50-52.
[梁留科, 吴次芳, 曹新向. 论区域人地关系的可持续发展. 平顶山师专学报, 2001, 16(4): 50-52.]

[56] Wen Yanmao, Ke Xiongkan, Wang Feng. Study on assessment system and assessment method of sustainable development of human-earth system. Advance in Earth Sciences, 1999, 14(1): 52-54.
[温琰茂, 柯雄侃, 王峰. 人地系统可持续发展评价体系与方法研究. 地球科学进展, 1999, 14(1): 52-54.]

[57] Lv Lachang. Options for methods of man-earth relationship harmony and sustainable development in China. Geography and Territorial Research, 1999, 15(2): 14-17.
[吕拉昌. 中国人地关系协调与可持续发展的方法选择. 地理学与国土研究, 1999, 15(2): 14-17.]

[58] Huang Bingwei. Study on land system and regional sustainable development in China. In: Study on Eco-system Construction and Regional Sustainable Development. Beijing: Surveying and Mapping Publishing House, 1997. 1-3.
[黄秉维. 中国陆地系统与区域可持续发展研究. 见: 生态系统建设与区域持续发展研究. 北京: 测绘出版社, 1997. 1-3]

[59] Zheng Du. Prospects of studies on man-land relationship in the 21st century. Geographical Research, 2002, 21(1): 9-13.
[郑度. 21世纪人地关系研究前瞻. 地理研究, 2002, 21(1): 9-13.]

[60] Wu Chuanjun, Lu Dadao, Mao Hanying. Human geography for decision-making service in Chinese. In: Lu Dadao (ed.), Geographical Development and Its Innovation. Beijing: Science Press, 1999. 19-27.
[吴传钧, 陆大道, 毛汉英. 紧密为国家决策服务的人文地理学. 见: 陆大道 主编, 地理学发展与创新. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999. 19-27.]

[61] Holms Lorsdum. Environment Ethic. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2000. 1-12.
[霍尔姆斯·罗尔斯顿. 环境伦理学. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2000. 1-12.]

[62] Fu Hua. Essence of eco-ethic. Research on Natural Dialectic, 1999, 15(8): 64-68.
[傅华. 论生态伦理的本质. 自然辩证法研究, 1999, 15(8): 64-68.]

