收稿日期: 2007-11-07
修回日期: 2008-01-02
网络出版日期: 2008-06-25
国家自然科学基金项目(40601003); 湖北省教育厅青年项目(Q200610002)
Difference between Statistical Data, Actual Data and Prediction Data of Crop Area by Using Remote Sensor Imagery in Honghu City, Hubei Province
Received date: 2007-11-07
Revised date: 2008-01-02
Online published: 2008-06-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40601003; Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education for the Youth, No.Q200610002
遥感技术已被广泛应用于农情监测, 但作物面积信息的遥测结果常与国家有关部门编制的《农业统计资料》、《统计年鉴》等各类统计资料中记载的作物播种面积数据不一致。文章以湖北省洪湖市为研究对象, 以10 m 分辨率的SPOT 多光谱影像和地面样方调查数据等为主要信息源, 对研究区域内中稻播面的统计值与真实值以及遥测值之间的差异进行了分析。 结果显示该市2006 年中稻播面的遥测结果为58788.09 hm2, 高出统计值52.156%, 而统计值则明显小于真实的播面数据。造成这一现象的主要原因在于该市对中稻播面统计时使用的亩制计量单位(习惯亩) 与标准亩之间存在1.507 的换算比率。过去国家实行农业税收政策时地 方有关部门为逃避农业税而少报瞒报水稻种植面积等因素也在一定程度上导致了上述差异。
汪权方, 肖莉, 王海滨, 曹茂侠 . 湖北省洪湖市作物播种面积的三种数据差异分析[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(6) : 587 -592 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200806003
Crop area estimation is a key technique for crop yield prediction. Today remotely sensed data have been widely applied to crop area estimation, but the result often differs from the statistics of crop area in the Statistical Yearbook, therefore the data of crop yield estimation by using remote sensing data is less adopted in the government's agricultural decision. Moreover, agricultural subsidy policy has been adopted by many countries, which aimed at the protection and development of agriculture. In China, the grain subsidy was provided according to taxed farmland area, a kind of statistics of crop area and usually smaller than the actual crop area, which caused part of peasant profits to be lost. Why the difference between the statistics of crop area in the Statistical Yearbook differ from predicted result by using remote sensing technique? Which is more close to the actual crop area? For answering the above questions and preventing peasant profits from being damaged, this paper studied the middle-season rice area in Honghu city, Hubei Province by using SPOT satellite imagery with a 10-m spatial resolution and data from field sampling survey. The result shows that the statistical area of middle-season rice from the Statistical Yearbook of Honghu city in 2006 was remarkably smaller than the actual and the predicted data of 58788.09 hm2C by remote sensing technique, or 52.156% lower than the latter. The main reason is due to the high ratio of customary unit of crop area adopted in estimation to standard unit (1.507). Besides, some local government concealed the actual rice planting area for evasion of agricultural taxation, which also made the statistical area of the middle-season rice differ from the actual and the predicted data by using remote sensing technique to a certain extent.
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