

  • 北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院, 北京100875
邵晖(1975-), 女, 博士, 讲师, 主要研究方向为区域经济理论及其应用。E-mail: shaohui1250@sina.com

收稿日期: 2008-03-15

  修回日期: 2008-10-10

  网络出版日期: 2008-12-25



Agglomeration of Producer Services in Beijing

  • Institute of Economy and Resource Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Received date: 2008-03-15

  Revised date: 2008-10-10

  Online published: 2008-12-25

Supported by

Fund for young instructors on humanities & social sciences research form Beijing Normal University (Evolvement Mechanism of Urban Industrial Spatial Structure)


国际发展经验表明, 大都市生产者服务业具有强烈的向中心商务区聚集的特征, 同时 随着产业分工深化和技术进步, 也具有向郊区扩散的趋势。利用空间基尼系数、经济计量模 型分析等方法分析北京市的金融服务业、信息咨询服务业、计算机服务业三大类生产者服务 业在城市中尤其是在中心城区和近郊区的的空间分布和聚集情况, 发现北京市的生产者服务 业呈现明显的聚集特征, 而向郊区扩散的趋势并不明显, 并且金融业、信息咨询业、计算机 服务业三类生产者服务业的聚集特征有所差别。北京市生产者服务业空间区位选择是由市场 规律、政府规划、城市特色共同作用的结果。总结国内外的研究结果发现, 生产者服务业的 空间分布主要由经济活动的联系特征、生产要素特征和区位条件三个要素所决定。


邵晖 . 北京市生产者服务业聚集特征[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(12) : 1289 -1298 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200812006


International experiences show that producer services are apt to assemble in the CBD of metropolitans as well as diffuse to suburbs because of labor division of industries and development of technology. This paper attempts to analyse the agglomeration and distributing of producer services including finance services, information consultancy services and computer services in Beijing especially in the center city and outskirts. The paper uses the methods of Spatial Gini Coefficient and Spatial Lorenz Curve to analyze the agglomeration of the three kinds of producer services in Beijing, and uses Clack and Newling model to analyze their spatial distributing density. The results tend to support the viewpoint that the producer services are apt to assemble in the center city districts obviously while the diffusion to suburbs is not obvious. The characteristics of agglomeration of finance services, information consultancy services and computer services are different. The agglomeration of finance services and information consultancy services are more obvious because these producer services need more face-to-face intercourse, while the computer services are more dispersed because for this kind of producer services face-to-face contact is not very important, so they can be located in suburbs where rent and wage are lower than center city or Central Business District. The author believes that the location choosing of producer services in Beijing is the cooperative effect of market laws, planning of the government and characteristic of Beijing. Through summarizing the development experiences of China and international, it can be found that the location of producer services in inter metropolitan is determined by he linkage characteristics of economic activities, features of and factors of production and location conditions.


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