1980-2003 年广东省外商投资的时空变化分析
收稿日期: 2007-11-28
修回日期: 2008-09-03
网络出版日期: 2008-12-25
Temporal and Spatial Pattern of Foreign Investment in Guangdong Province (1980-2003)
Received date: 2007-11-28
Revised date: 2008-09-03
Online published: 2008-12-25
许志桦, 叶嘉安 . 1980-2003 年广东省外商投资的时空变化分析[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(12) : 1277 -1288 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200812005
Distribution of foreign investment in Guangdong Province has been one of the main reasons for the regional disparity in the province. This article aims to find out the temporal and spatial pattern and determinants of foreign investment in Guangdong in the past over 20 years since China's adoption of reform and opening up policy. The distribution and diffusion of foreign investment in Guangdong, and differences in the temporal and spatial pattern and determinants of foreign investment from different origins are examined. The study shows that the tempora1 and spatia1 pattern of foreign investment in Guangdong has been continuously evolving. Foreign investment in Guangdong has undergone diffusion from the growth pole to the surrounding areas. As the investment environment in Guangdong has become more mature, the attraction of favorable policy to foreign investment has gradually decreased, while the factors of regional economic development level and regional market scale have become the most important dynamics of the location of foreign investment. The temporal and spatial pattern and dynamics of foreign investment from different origins differ greatly. Finally, suggestions are made regarding the improvement of investment environment and the utilization of foreign investment in Guangdong.
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