
1975-2008 年西藏色林错湖面变化对气候变化的响应

  • 西藏高原大气环境科学研究所,拉萨850001
边多(1966-), 男, 西藏仁布县人, 研究员, 从事遥感与资源环境评价。E-mail: dor_ben2000@yahoo.com.cn

收稿日期: 2009-09-28

  修回日期: 2010-01-08

  网络出版日期: 2010-03-30



The Response of Water Level of Selin Co to Climate Change during 1975-2008

  • Tibet Institute of Plateau Atmospheric and Environmental Science Research, Lhasa 850001, China

Received date: 2009-09-28

  Revised date: 2010-01-08

  Online published: 2010-03-30

Supported by

National Natural Science foundation of China, No.40761005; China Meteorological Administration Infrastructural Project, No.CMATG2009MS11


根据1975 年地形图、80 年代至2008 年的TM、CBERS 卫星遥感资料和近34 年(1975-2008 年) 的气温、降水量、蒸发量、最大冻土深度等气候资料分析得出,西藏那曲地区西部的色林错及其周围的错鄂、雅根错的面积在近30 年来呈较显著的扩大趋势,到2008 年面积分别为2196.23 km2、279.24 km2、103.07 km2,与1975 年分别增长了574.46 km2、11.59 km2和68.13 km2,增长速度分别为35.4%、4.3%和195%。色林错从1999-2008 年湖面扩大速度为20%,平均上涨了420 km2/10a,已超过纳木错面积,成为西藏第一大咸水湖。冰雪融水量的增加是湖泊上涨的根本原因,其次与降水量的增加和蒸发量的减少、冻土退化等暖湿化的气候变化存在很大关系。


边多, 边巴次仁, 拉巴, 王彩云, 陈涛 . 1975-2008 年西藏色林错湖面变化对气候变化的响应[J]. 地理学报, 2010 , 65(3) : 313 -319 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201003006


An analysis is made about the response of Selin Co lake area change to climate change, based on RS, GIS and modern climate statistical methods with the aid of TM and CBERS remote sensing data from 1980-2008 as well as temperature, precipitation, the amount of evaporation, the biggest depth of frozen soil from 1975-2008 at the stations such as Shenzha, Bange and Anduo etc. Based on the digitized 1:100,000 topographic map in 1975 and through analyses of remote sensing data after the 1980s, it is found that water levels of Selin Co, Co'e and Yagen Co lakes present a distinct expanding trend in the past 30 years. In 2008, the water level areas of the above three lakes are 2196.23 km2, 279.24 km2, 103.07 km2, and they increase by 574.46 km2, 11.59 km2 and 68.13 km2 respectively compared to 1975. Moreover, Selin Co expands at a rate of 20%, with an average of 420 km2/10a, thus it has become the largest salty inland lake, exceeding the area of Nam Co lake in Tibet during the period 1999-2008. The main reasons for lake area expansion is the increase in snow/ice meting water under the background of global warming, followed by the increase of precipitation, decrease of the evaporation and degradation of permafrost.


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