

  • 1. 西北大学城市与环境学院, 西安710127;
    2. 中国气象局公共气象服务中心, 北京100081

收稿日期: 2012-07-16

  修回日期: 2012-08-08

  网络出版日期: 2012-11-20


国家科技基础性专项重点项目(科技部) (2007FY110800)

Variations in January Temperature and 0℃ Isothermal Curve in Qinling Mountains Based on DEM

  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China;
    2. Public Meteorological Service Center of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China

Received date: 2012-07-16

  Revised date: 2012-08-08

  Online published: 2012-11-20

Supported by

National Science and Technology Foundation of Special Projects, No.2007FY110800


以秦岭南北39 个气象站点1959-2009 年1 月平均气温为基础, 考虑地形因素对温度场的影响, 采取基于DEM的空间插值方法, 获取秦岭山地复杂地形下的1 月气温空间插值数据集, 并在此基础上提取1 月0℃等温线, 研究了50 年来秦岭山地1 月平均气温和1 月0℃等温线的变化情况。结果表明:秦岭南北1 月月均气温均表现为上升趋势, 温度变化倾向率约为0.2℃/10a;50 年来秦岭1 月0℃等温线发生了明显上升, 平均上升高度为143.7 m。从经度上看, 107°E~109°E 范围内1 月0℃等温线所处海拔高度的变化最为强烈, 50 年来上升高度达166.2 m, 明显高于东西两段;1993 年是秦岭地区气温明显上升的突变点, 气温突变后1 月0℃等温线比突变前平均上升了113.82 m。

关键词: 秦岭; 0℃等温线; DEM


白红英, 马新萍, 高翔, 侯钦磊 . 基于DEM的秦岭山地1月气温及0℃等温线变化[J]. 地理学报, 2012 , 67(11) : 1443 -1450 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201211001


Based on the records of January average temperature during 1959 to 2009 from 39 meteorological sites in the Qinling Mountains, we built the spatial database of January temperature by using space interpolation method based on DEM with the consideration of the influence of terrain factors on the temperature field. Also we extracted the 0℃ isothermal curve and examined the changes in the January average temperature and the 0℃ isothermal curve in the Qinling Mountains during the last 50 years. The January average temperature showed a rising trend at a rate of about 0.2℃/10a, and the 0℃ isothermal curve rose by 143.7 m averagely in the Qinling Mountains during the last 50 years. On longitude, the largest variation in the 0℃ isothermal curve was found in the region of 107°-109°E, where the height increased by 166.2 m during the last 50 years. This value is significantly higher than that in both eastern and western sections of Qinling Mountains; the temporal mutations point for the largest increase in the January temperature was found in 1993. The 0℃ isothermal curve after the mutations point was raised higher by 113.82 m averagely than before.


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