唐玉芝, 石铁柱, 刘潜, 王梦迪, 颜凤芹, 吕品, 邓东平, 张紫红, 王志华, 胡忠文, 邬国锋, 苏奋振
Ecological carrying capacity and sustainability assessment for coastal and maritime area based on spatial scene: A case study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
TANG Yuzhi, SHI Tiezhu, LIU Qian, WANG Mengdi, YAN Fengqin, LYU Pin, DENG Dongping, ZHANG Zihong, WANG Zhihua, HU Zhongwen, WU Guofeng, SU Fenzhen
2023, (11): 2811
DOI: 10.11821/dlxb202311011