收稿日期: 2001-06-25
修回日期: 2001-07-15
网络出版日期: 2001-12-25
The Knowledge Innovation in the Compilation of the Atlas of Population,Environment and Sustainable Development of China
Received date: 2001-06-25
Revised date: 2001-07-15
Online published: 2001-12-25
关键词: 地图集; 知识创新; 人口、环境与可持续发展
刘岳, 张庆臻 . 中国人口、环境与可持续发展地图集编制中的知识创新[J]. 地理学报, 2001 , 56(7s) : 103 -108 . DOI: 10.11821/xb20017s016
The paper analyses the knowledge innovation in the Atlas of Population, Environment and Sustainable Development of China. It is composed of four parts. First, the authors expound the scientific atlas editing theory. This atlas was conceived with the theme of sustainable development and the theory of man-land relationship as its guiding principles. Secondly, the scientific basis for preparation of atlas is established by developing an indicator system for population, environment and sustainable development. On the basis of this system, the anthors discuss the designing of the atlas contents structure. Then, the third part gives the exploration of a cognitive cartographic visualization environment establishment, data processing, and visualization technology research. The cognitive environment on population, environment and sustainable development is discussed in detail. Finally, the computer cartography technology about the atlas designing, making and application is described, including the electronics mapping software, EA-world, and the integrated mapping systems developed and owned by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS.
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