随着信息经济发展壮大,软件产业日益成为城市经济的新引擎,其空间区位对城市空间结构影响不断加深.文章以上海市软件企业名录为数据基础,运用GIS 技术、社会网络分析等方法,探讨了上海大都市区软件产业的空间分布、演变特征及影响因素.研究发现,2002 年及2008年上海软件产业空间分布的集聚化特征明显,但产业集聚中心位置发生了从中心城区转向郊区的偏移.6 年间,软件企业的空间格局呈现出"大都市区尺度上的扩散以及园区尺度的再集聚"的时空特征.不同类型企业空间集聚与扩散的特征不同,以嵌入式软件企业为主的中小企业呈现出向远郊区扩散的特征.在影响因素的分析上,负二项回归的结果表明交通通达性、政府政策影响下的科技园区建设、产业历史基础对软件企业的区位选择具有显著影响.内外资企业区位影响因素的比较分析发现,交通通达性、自然环境及办公楼条件对外资企业区位影响较大,内资企业对政府政策更为敏感.
Due to the continuing global economic integration, global cities are increasingly becoming the nodes of command function and the sites of knowledge and innovation production. In China, ICT sectors including software industry started to cluster in major metropolitan areas since the 1990s, and have become the driving engine of the economy. However, the distribution of software industry is spatially uneven, and spatial factors significantly influence its location decision. Although lots of scholars have focused on this phenomenon and analyzed the spatial pattern of software industry in developed countries, little attention has been paid to metropolitans in China. There is a need to explore how the software firms are distributed in Chinese metropolitans in the transformation period. In this paper, we attempt to discuss the spatial distribution of software firms in Shanghai. We select the information of software firms in the years 2002 and 2008 as our basic dataset to compare the difference of the spatial pattern in different years and explore their mechanism with the aid of GIS. The result shows that agglomeration and suburbanization are dominant characteristics in the distribution of software industry in Shanghai. During the process of suburbanization, we find firms in different types, different scales, and different ownership can lead to different locational decisions. The suburbanization of small firms is more obvious. Based on the empirical analysis, accessibility, politics and the previous distribution pattern have a significant effect on the spatial evolution of software industry in metropolitan Shanghai.
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