EDSS(Environmental Decision Support System)是一个适用于潮汐河网地区水环境管理和决策的软件系统,其主要功能是协助政府部门进行有效和科学的水环境管理。该系统采用地理信息系统、数据库管理系统、模型库管理系统和专家系统等先进技术,将环境数据库、水动力与水质模型库、经济优化技术、环境专家以及环境法规有机地集成在一起。文中首先介绍了EDSS的组织方法、设计特征、实现技术和主要功能 ;然后对系统的核心模块——水动力与水质数学模型进行了简要的描述。最后,以珠江三角洲潮汐河网区为例,介绍了 EDSS在水环境管理决策中的应用情况,例如跨界水污染分析、集中供水吸水口选择、重点污染源排序、环境影响评价和水环境功能区划等,表明 EDSS是信息时代水环境规划和管理决策的有效科学工具。
曾凡棠, 林奎, 沈茜, 陈铣成, 谢国樑
. 环境决策支持系统的设计及其在水质管理中的应用[J]. 地理学报, 2000
, 55(6)
: 652
DOI: 10.11821/xb200006002
EDSS is a comprehensive software system for water quality management in tidal river networks in general and for the Pearl River Delta in specific. Its purpose is to provide a practical tool which could assist government agencies in decision making for the efficient management of water resources in terms of both quantity and quality. By combining the capabilities of geographical information system(GIS), database management system(DBMS), model management system(MMS) and expert system, EDSS integrates relevant environmental databases, hydrodynamic and water quality models, optimization procedures, knowledge based expert systems, and environmental regulations so that data, models, human intuitions, expertise, and policies can be used in a seamless manner. This paper first outlines the basic concepts and philosophy adopted in developing EDSS, the system architecture, design features, implementation techniques and facilities provided. Thereafter, the core part of the system-the hydrodynamic and water quality models are described briefly. The final contribution in this paper describes the application of EDSS to the Pearl River Delta, which has the most complicated tidal river network patterns as well as the fastest economic development in the world. Examples are given of the real world problems that can be addressed using the system. These include trans boundary water pollution analysis, regional drinking water take up site selection, screening of important polluters, environmental impact assessment, and water quality zoning. It is illustrated that EDSS can provide efficient and scientific analytical tools for planning and decision making purposes in the age of information.