This article describes the preliminary analysis of the possible impact of air temperature increase on treegrowth using dendroclimatic methods. Residual tree ring-width chronologies of Changbai larch from the north slope of Changbai Mountain, Jinn province and of sargent spruce from the east slope of Gongga Mountain,Sichuan province are involved in this study. The relationships between tree groWth represented by ring-widthindex and climate elements including monthly mean air temperatures and monthly total precipitation were studiedby response function and correlation function of dendroclimatology. The results indicate that both species aresensitive to temperature. Based upon the regression equation developed between ring-width index and selectedmonthly mean temperatures, the percentages of increase in radical growth of tree were estimated with airtemperature going up 1℃, 2℃, 3℃, respectively. This estimation is upon the assumption that air temperaturewill go up due to CO2-induced climatic change. Using experiential equation of the two studied species, theincrease percentages in volume of tree were also estimated from changes in diameter of tree. The results show thatwhen air temperature goes up 1℃, 2℃, and 3℃, respectively, Changbai larch will increase by 9.2%, 15.7% and22.3% in diameter and 24.4%, 44.7% and 66.3% in volume. For sargent spruce, the percentages for diameterincrease arc 5.3%, 10. 1% and 14.9% and 13.g%, 27.3%, 41 .6% for volume increase. Obviously, with the samescenario Changbai larch grows more rabid than sargent spruce in the study area.