Considering the characteristics of shortage and very uneven distribution of water resour-ces in China, a comprehensive analysis on the relationship between water pollution and econo-mic development, and the trend of regional difference of water pollution and its variation hasbeen carried out. It shows that water pollution has been synchronously increasing with theexpansion of population, urbanization, industrial-agricultural output, and the pollution hasbeen extending from urban to rural areas. Though water resources are richer in SoutheastChina, yet economic development is faster there, thus, the major trend of water pollution, inchina is rather serious, especially Beijing and shanghai.In order to control pollution effectively, and improve environmental quality and produc-tion development, the followings are suggested.1. properly utilizing the environmental Self-purification function by overally planningand rational allocation of industrial structure;2. reducing discharge of pollutants as much as possible by reforming production processand comprehensive utilization of resources;3. Preventing sewage from entering water source by land treatment systems;4. strengthening environmental management by administrative and economic measures.