Huanghe Seaport is located at the mouth of the Diaokou River, the 1976-abandoned mouth of the Yellow River. The mouth of the Diaokou River is the most seaward protruding part of the coastine of modern Yellow River Delta As a result, the intense erosion of the NE-orient-ed waves nearly perpendicular to the shoreline and the scouring of the high-speed flood-ebb tidal currents parallel with the shoreline and the rotaing stationary tidal wave in the tidefree area have changed the depositional environment of the surrounding sea area of Huanghe Seaport (into erosional environment since the abandonment of the Diaokou River Mouth by the Yellow River, thus providing scientific theoretical premise for the setting up of Huanghe Seaport.However, building a seaport off the mouth of the Yellow River through which 10.6X10* tons sediment is emptied into the sea each year, the sediment silting is a very difficult problem to solve, especially in case that the surplus flow from the surrounding of the present Yellow River Mouth is directed toward the seaport area. As a results, in selecting seaport site and estimating its dynamical geomorphic conditions, we considered that the traditional hydrologic and supended sediment movement surveys couldn’t satisfy the requirements for exactly fixing the positions of the axis of the leading dyke and the piers. So we applied the topographic contrast research method in this study. Through quantitative calculation and large-scale diagram illustrations with serious mathematic control, we have obtained the sea-floor erosion-deposition thickness, erosion-deposition velocity, net sediment transportation amount and direction, made clear the relationship between the formation of the sand movement zones and the development of the coastal profiles and the influence of the evolution of the coastal profiles on the future dynamic geomorphologic conditions of coast and the sea area surrounding the seaport, and proposed appropriate prevention measures, thus providing a scientific basis for the site selection and the overall engineering arrangement oSeaport.