

  • 南京大学地理系

网络出版日期: 1987-01-15


  • Department of Geography, Nanjing University

Online published: 1987-01-15




包浩生, 彭补拙, 倪绍祥 . 国土整治与自然资源研究[J]. 地理学报, 1987 , 42(1) : 62 -68 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198701006


Territorial development and management means a rational development, utilization and protection of territorial resources. The main task of territorial development and management includes territorial planning, regulation and management.The territorial resources consist mainly of natural resources and socio-economic resources. In terms of territorial development and management natural resources are a major concern. In other words, the principal research objective of territorial development and management is territorial resources in which natural resources are dominant.In the research on territorial development and management, mankind and its natural environment should be put into an interrelated and coordinated system. Meanwhile, emphasis should be placed on environmental stress resulting from unreasonable utilization of natural resources and a major effort should be made to adapt mankind to its natural environment. Morever, when territorial planning with the purpose of rational development, utilization and protection of natural resources is carried out not only rational macroscopic planning, but feasible microscopic planning should be considered in oder to achieve overall planning goals.Researchers in the field of territorial development and management should have a wide range of knowledge* and keep a close relationship with researchers from other disciplines. The key problem, however, is to develop new scientific concepts and make better use of new scientific theories and approaches.From the point of view of territorial development and management the main tasks of natural resources research at present are as follows:1. Carry out further survey and investigation on natural resources in order to have a thorough understanding of their quantity, quality and distribution.2. Study the development, utilization and protection of natural resources in oder to provide a scientific base for territorial planning.3. Provide a scientific base for territorial regulation.Finnally, the following proposals with respect to natural resources research and territorial development and management have been put forward:1. Expand cooperation with researchers from other disciplines and carry out more comprehensive research on natural resources and their development, utilization and protection.2. Carry out more research on natural resources management with the aid of modern scientific theories and methods.3. Launch a popularized education and information effort about the rational development, utilization and protection of natural resources.
