大宗物资供销区位的一般提法是:设有某大宗物资(如粮食、煤炭、原油),其产地是A1, A2,……,Am,共m个,产量分别是a1,a2,……,am个单位(如 t,104×0.5kg);另有n个销地B1,B2,……Bn,销量分别为b1,b2,……,bn。产销是平衡的,同时产地与销地之间的运输距离与运输方式已知,即单位货物的运输费用已知。
Based upon the dual theorem of linear programming, two respects about supply-sale location of mass goods and materials-relative price system correlated with the optimum location and relative locational superiority of supply or cosumer places are discussed. The dual problem is explained in geographical interpretation. The authors think that the model may be extended to allocate the various resources. Jt is used to study the theory of economic geography, as well as to direct productive practice. In this paper, the authors presented a case study.