In this paper, the mean monthly air temperature data series before 1980 for continuous 23-30 years at 210 stations distributed relatively homogeneous over China are subjected to harmonic analysis. It shows that the annual march of air temperature over China is satisfactorily described by tre first harmonic. Three factors decide the characteristic distribution of the amplitude of the first harmonic: the latitude, the ocean and the altitude. There is no conspicous relation-ship between the distribution of the phase- angle of the first harmonic and latitude, hence, it reflects the degree of oceanic effect better than the amplitude of the first harmonic.By using Gorczynski formula and Conrad formula, to calculate. The continentality over China. The results indicate that the conventional index of continentality can not satisfactorily eliminate the effect of latitude. As the difference between oceanic climate and continental climate includes two aspects: the annual range and the type of annual march of air temperature, hence, according to the conventional continentality index and the lag of air temperature behind solar radiation, seven climatic types are identified in China.