徐希孺, 金丽芳, 赁常恭, 周嗣松, 张猛
. 利用NOAA—CCT估算内蒙古草场产草量的原理和方法[J]. 地理学报, 1985
, 40(4)
: 333
DOI: 10.11821/xb198504004
It is very important to know grass output of this year for mordernizing manege-nient of grass land. Satellite data is an ideal tool for solving this problem. Because the circle period of Landsat covering is about 14-18 days, it’s difficult to get the whole Nei Monggol Zizhiqu grass land Landsat Image cover with the proper time phase, but the NOAA series satellite have much more chance to offer scan of earth surface, four times per day, and the instruments AVHB-K aboard on NOAA has two similar spectrum bands with Landsat MSS(AVHER channel I is similar to MSS5 AVHER channel 2 is similar to MSS7). So it is reasonable 1o try using NO AA-CCT to know grass output of Nei Monggol Zizhiqu grass land.Bassed on linear mixture pixel theory and one layer flat plane model of grass field we pointed out the greenness G, namely The ratio of spectrum reflectance of AVHRR channel 2 to channel I G = ρ2/ρ1, has the best sensitivity. We gave out the linear statistics relationship shown on figure 2 between the greenness and grass output (wet weight) through fields experiments in Nei Monggol Zizhiqu Xilin Gol Meng.