Kegional analysis is a main way ’xor developing basic theory and methodology of human geography. The concrete objective of the approach is to explore the law of re-gional development, to reveal the mechanism of inner-regional development, to enhance the predicative function of geographical research, and to promote the integration of branch studies of geography. The main methods of the regional analysis are: diagram-matization and geometric figuration, mathematical statistics and other mathematical methods, regional models. The regional analysis applies mainly to the following aspects: the analysis of de-termining regional location that is determining the reasonable location of social-econo-mic objects according to the analysing o’f the potentialities and frequency ranges.As to the analysis on economic relation and its structure, the author hag cited ex-amples to explain the way of using the method of input-output analysis for determin-ing the reasonable structure of regional economic complex; the method of spacial stru-cture analysis is applied mainly in territorial planning. After analysis on the deve-lopment and arrangement of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region, the author considers that, the region’s spacial structure must be re-arranged, the major development places of the region should be selected at the towns in coastal area, eastern part of Hebei province and farsuburbs of metropolises. So that, the region will be more evenly developed. The result o’f analysis on the process of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region shows that, the inter-relationship between the growth of regional economics and the degree of its bala-nced development appears in mathematical curve as an upsided alphabet "U".