丛友滋, 李文勤, 徐家声, 高恒庆
. 南黄海滨岸一沉积岩芯磁性地层及气候地层的分析结果[J]. 地理学报, 1984
, 39(1)
: 105
DOI: 10.11821/xb198401012
The sedimental core with a length of 125m sampled from the southern Huang-hai coast is analysed, including the items of magnetic stratum, absolute age-dating, microfossils and core facies and the others. The results of the continuous measured magnetic strata show that the Brunhes positive polariod occur the anti-polarity magnetic strata of 3200-2900 yr. B. P., 8000- 7000 yr. B. P., 13 000 - 11 000 yr. B. P., 31 000 - 19 000 yr. B.P.,43 000 - 41 000 yr. B. P., 60 000- 50 000 yr. B. P., 130 000 - 110 000 yr. B. P., 215 000-198 000 yr. B. P., 311 000 - 193 000 yr. B. P., 420 000 - 400 000 yr.B. P., and about 500 000 years B. P.. The results of the micropaleofossils and rock facies show that there existed four stable sea facies layers (A, B, C, D,). The sedimental age of the marine facies layers correspond to 8000- 3000 yr. B. P., 40 000 - 30 000 yr. B. P., 1000 000- 60 000 yr. B. P., and 300 000 - 200 000 yr. B. P., respectively. The sedimental age of the continental facies correspond to 30 000 - 10 000 yr. B. P., 60 000 - 40 000yr. B. P., 200 000 - 110 000yr. B. P., and 700 000 - 300 000 yr. B. P., respectively.From the above-mentioned results we can conclude that the marine facies layer periods were the high sea level periods of the Huang-hai and East China Sea transgression; and the continental facies layer periods were the low sea level periods of the Huang-hai and East China Sea regression; there exists remarkable correlation among the magnetic stratum, biostratum and climatic strata change, which may rise in the magnetic strata (the relationship zone of the earth magnetic field with the Sun wind) change, and may broke the balance of the stratum around the earth, and brought variation of universe rays comming into the earth, finally it brought the abnormal climate and the ecological variation.