

  • 中国科学院南京地理研究所

网络出版日期: 1984-01-15


  • Nanjing Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica

Online published: 1984-01-15




马湘泳, 沈小英, 张立生, 刘菲, 王守芬 . 太湖流域农业生产的几个关键问题[J]. 地理学报, 1984 , 39(1) : 52 -64 . DOI: 10.11821/xb198401007


Tai Lake Region covers an area of 36 570 square kilometres, of which 52.5% belongs to Jiangsu, 33.2% to Zhejiang, 13.6% to Shanghai and 0.7% to Anhui. Among the total area, 6.8% is plain, 16%, water, and 14.2, mountain area.Due to its favourable natural and economic conditions, this region, which undergone a long developing history, is one of the important economic base of China. It is not only the main producing region of grain, oil crops, cotton, hemp, silk and animal products, but also an important base of commodity grain in the country. So Taihu Lake Region is known as one of the most productive parts of our country.Even though the agricultural development of this area can be traced back long ago as early as the dynasty of Han, but still there are some problems remain unsolved. This paper discusses mainly the approaches and measures to make better use of land resoures.Firstly, it is important to adjust the agricultural productive structure for the rational utilization of land resources. In different types of land of Tai Lake Region, many representative cases of the Chinese traditional farming have been inherited. The rational agricultural productive structures suitable for local physical and economy conditions make it possible for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production, fishery and industry depend upon each other and promote each other, so that the agricultural production has been greatly improved, and the best use of labour, terrain can be undertaken.Secondly, improve the drainage system of water logged fields by means of renovation of lowlying land area. Good results have been achieved by adopting culverts in some communes and brigades to drain the water logged fields. This is not only an effective way to increase production but also a reliable way to tap the land potentialities.Thirdly, construction of forest-shelter networks on farmland to resist natural calamities is one of the major task to improve agroecosystem environment. It is generally belived that the forest shelter networks of some brigades increase 6% in grain output exclusive of the reduction of output in forest shade places.Fourthly, it is important to protect the environment and control pollution in the area.Lastly, rational use of mountain area, adjustment of agroecological balance and effective conservation of water and soil play an important part in the long-term plan of the national economy and the people's livelihood.
