This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is a brief review on the deve-lopment of modern cartography and emphasis on the introduction of various views of cartographers (E. IMHOF, K. A SALISHCHEV, A. H. EOBINSON, L. EATAJSKI, J. BEETIN, A. KOLACNE, C. BOAED, A. F. ASLANIKASHVILI, I. KEESCHMEE, and U. FEEITAG E.C.T) on the "Theoretical cartography" and "Practical cartogra-phy".In the second part the inadequacies in the cartographcal system which have been put forward in the world are analysed and studied, and then the author expresses his views on the system of modern cartography. The system consists of three parts: the-oretical cartography (the theoretical base of cartography), practical cartography (me-thodology and technology of cartography) and applied cartography (applied principle and method of maps).Theoretical cartography includes elements of cartography, theory of cartographic information, theory of cartographic modelling, theory of cartographic communication, mathematical cartography, semiology of cartography (sign theory in cartography), theory of perception of cartography (theory of Cartographic experiences), theory of cartographic generalization and theory of complex mapping.Practical cartography consists of general cartography, thematic cartography, aero-space cartography, computer-assisted cartography and cartographic reproduction.Applied cartography describes the function of maps, estimation of maps, methodo-logy of analysis of maps, process of map use, method of map use, auto-analytical cartogra-phic system and application of maps.In the last part the author points out the real significance of modern system for the future cartographic study, teaching and the development of mapping production.