光在植物群落中的分布,从本世纪初就有人开始研究,但主要侧重于实际的测定和资料分析。比较系统的从数学上进行概括,则是1953年日本的门司正三和佐伯敏郎的工作,他们讨论了叶片的结构为水平均一时的情况,提出了著名的门司指数公式。随后,苏联的Е. А. Лопухин[2][3],日本的礴部诚之[4],黑岩澄雄[5],我国的王天铎[6]曾对其它具某些特定结构的植物群落中光分布的数学表达形式作过研究。
Tn this paper, the theoretieal distributions of direct and diffuse light in the forestcanopy were described. The resutls obtained can be summarized as follows:1. The transmissions of light in the forest eanopy.The relative light under foreet eanopy was ealculated as function of leaf area in-dex, sun elevation and characteristie angle (α、β) of leaves.