Because of their various conditions andspecializations, different kinds of industrialbases have different types of inter-regionaland intra-regional economic links and thusmake different requirements about transportnetwork.The author analyses four kinds of industrial bases:(1) Inter-regional raw material or fuel base. It is characterized by the muchlarger tonnage of export than import, e.g. Shanxi coal base (Tab. 1), with coal tonnagemaking up 80% of the provincial freight of the railroad, with export tonnage 3 timesas much as import.(2) Industrail base with developed manufacturing industries depending on supplyof raw material and fuels from outside, e.g. Shanghai (Tab. 2) with import tonnagetwice as mucu as export.(3) Complex industrial base depending on local resources. Its import, export andintra-regional tonnage are usually large, e.g. Liaoning Province (Tab. 3 and Fig. 2). Itsrailroad frieght accounts for 13% of that of the whole country, meanwhile, more than70% of it are intra-regional.(4) Industrial base mainly with intra-regional links, e.g. Sichuan Province (Tab.4). Because of its particular geographical conditions, Sichuan has weak economic linkswith outside and nearly 90% of the total freight are intra-regional.With the development of the industrial base, its orientation and characteristics ofeconomic links are always changing. For example, Liaoning Province has experinced threestages, i.e. (1) largely exporting’raw materials and fuels, (2) developing primary in-dustries depending on local resources, (3) necessarily importing considerable amount ofraw materials and fuels In allthesestages, allocation of transportation lines has been re-quired to develop accordingly.Any large industrial base needs construction of transport network badly. Throughanalysis of case studies in China, the author argues that the distance of trunk line (rail-road and river) shoudn’t be less than 120 km.The author gives several examples to explain that transport construction (includinglines, stations, ports, etc.) must be undertaken in advance of the regional developmentand construction of industrial bases.