1. Orcrtrtingha}nia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. is endemic to China, being one of the most important timber trees. It is extensively planted in hilly or moun-tainous areas of Central,East, South China and in the eastern part of the South west. Its northern limit follows the southern slopes of the Tsingling Ranges (along the 880 m. contour); whereas its southern limit reaches the northern part of the Leichow Peninsula, Kwangtung Province. In the west, it appears among the river gorges of the Tatu, the Arming and the Yalung Rivers, bordering the Tibetan-Sikang Plateau. On the east, it extends off the coast as far as the mountains of Taiwan. 2. The range of Cunninghamia lanceolata coincides approximately with that of evergreen broad-leaved trees in South China. Nevertheless, it is not common that it, being not tolerant, is mixed with the evergreen hardwoods. On the other hand, Crmtningharrtia lanceolata stands are frequently found side by side with the evergreen hardwood stands.