

  • 1. 衡阳师范学院资源环境与旅游管理系, 衡阳 421008;
    2. 衡阳师范学院南岳学院资源环境与旅游管理系, 衡阳 421008
胡最(1977-), 男, 湖南宁乡人, 博士生,讲师, 从事GIS在景观基因中的应用研究.E-mail: fuyanghuzui@163.com

收稿日期: 2012-07-29

  修回日期: 2012-10-30

  网络出版日期: 2013-02-20


国家自然科学基金项目(41271167; 41201398; 41171122); 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJCZH073);湖南省自然科学基金项目(11JJ6028); 湖南省人文地理学重点建设学科项目; 衡阳师范学院青年骨干教师项目(RGGJSPYF0311); 湖南省自然科学创新研究群体项目(12JJ7003)

Spatial pattern of landscape genes in traditional settlements of Hunan Province

  • 1. Department of Resources, Environments & Tourism of Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang 421008, Hunan, China;
    2. Department of Resources, Environments & Tourism of Nanyue School of Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang 421008, Hunan, China

Received date: 2012-07-29

  Revised date: 2012-10-30

  Online published: 2013-02-20

Supported by

National NaturalScience Foundation of China, No.41271167; No.41201398; No.41171122; Humanity and Social Research Project of Education Ministry to Young Scholars, No.12YJCZH073; Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,No.11JJ6028; Key Constructive Disciplines Projects of Human Geography in Hunan Province; Key YoungTeacher of Hengyang Normal University, No.RGGJSPYF0311; Natural Science Foundation of Creative Groupof Hunan Province, No.12JJ7003


湖南省有着悠久的历史文化和优越的自然地理环境,是全国传统聚落相对集中和保存较为完好的省区之一.本文以国家和湖南省政府正式公布的30 个历史文化名村名镇为研究对象,结合传统聚落景观基因理论,建立了包括建筑特征、文化特征、环境特征、聚落布局特征4 大类共14 项指标的传统聚落景观基因识别指标体系;根据要素提取法、图案分析法、结构提取法、含义提取法等景观基因提取方法,建立了湖南省传统聚落景观基因的识别流程,并进行了传统聚落景观基因的识别与提取.在此基础上,从建筑基因的特征、选址布局基因的特征、图腾文化基因的特征3 个角度分析了该省传统聚落景观基因的空间特征.本文对湖南省传统聚落的保护与合理、可持续开发利用具有参考意义,对开展全国其他省份传统聚落的相关研究同样具有借鉴意义.


胡最, 刘沛林, 曹帅强 . 湖南省传统聚落景观基因的空间特征[J]. 地理学报, 2013 , 68(2) : 219 -231 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201302007


Settlement is a special area for people to live and work in. For human beings, traditional settlements play an important role due to its unique historical and cultural characteristics or their historical landscapes. Hunan Province, located in Southern China, is one of the provinces of the country with its traditional settlements centralized and well preserved compared to other provinces of China, which are mainly attributed to its long history of culture and favorable geo-environments. This paper, taking the 30 historical and cultural ancient villages declared by the Central Government or Hunan Province government as cases, aims to interpret the spatial patterns of traditional settlements in this province according to Traditional Settlements Landscape Genes' Theory (TSLGT). By TSLGT, in order to further interpret the relationships in history or culture of traditional settlements, this paper takes the following steps firstly: (1) to construct a special index system of traditional settlements landscape genes, which is composed of residential buildings characterizations, cultural symbols characterizations, geo-environmental characters, distribution patterns of settlements; (2) to define a workflow procedure to identify the landscapes genes of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by integrating some extraction methods such as landscape elements extraction method, pattern analysis method, structure identification method, conceptual extraction method, etc.; (3) to identify all the vital landscape genes of the 30 major samples of traditional settlements in order to construct a traditional settlements landscape genes dataset with GIS software. By the former research foundation, the author draws the laws of landscape genes' spatial patterns of traditional settlements in Hunan Province by according to the following three outstanding characterizations, building genes, site selection or distribution genes and totem culture genes. The research results of this paper provide some sense advices to conservation or reasonable development or management decision of traditional settlements in Hunan Province. Of course, these results or analysis methods of this paper can also provide some crucial references to the other provinces of China to preserve or develop their own traditional settlements.


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