

  • 中国科学院海洋研究所,青岛266071

收稿日期: 1996-09-01

  修回日期: 1996-12-01

  网络出版日期: 1998-05-15




  • Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071

Received date: 1996-09-01

  Revised date: 1996-12-01

  Online published: 1998-05-15

Supported by

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China,No B25490235




李凡, 张秀荣, 李永植, 李本兆 . 南黄海埋藏古三角洲[J]. 地理学报, 1998 , 53(3) : 238 -244 . DOI: 10.11821/xb199803006


During 1983~1993, sub bottom stratigraphic sequences were measured by high resolusion geophysical instrument and sedimentary body characterized by large scale, low angle and progradational reflection configuration with the feature of delta structure was found in the central deep water area of the south Yellow sea (123°40′~124°06′E, 34°02′~35°N). The extent of the sedimentary body is 50 km~60 km in the surveying line direction with the thickness of 15 m~20m. In the area near the No.56 station, two reflection surfaces (T1,T2) and three strata (A,B,C) are distingushed below seabottom within 30 m, according to the feature of acoustical reflection configuration. The stratum above T1 represents Holocene series marine sediment and that between T1 and T2 (B) represents late pleistocene series, the interbed of land and marine facies sediment and the stratum (C) below T2 represents middle pleistocene series. The interface between A and B is unconformable. Above mentioned sedimentary body is located up in B stratum, and below it there is a buried paleo river dated 14C 26 820±2 380 aBP. It is inferred that the buried paleo delta is constructional formed during regressive period of late pleistocene. In addition, Close to the No.59 station, there are 3~4 channels with dissected filling reflection configuration, which are branches of a large buried paleo river with progradational bedding and sedimentary and geomorphological features in river mouth delta. Analysing of core 92 1 near the No.59 station shows that foraminifera assemblage and Sr/Ba are possessed with the feature of depositional environment from river mouth to nearshore. This proves further that the sedimentary body with progradational reflectional configuration is a river mouth delta. Result of mineral analysing shows that mineral assemble in the delta sediment consists mainly of Amphibole, Epidote, Timenit, Biotite and Carnet. The content of Carnet is higher than that of the sediment from Changjiang River, and most of Amphibole crystals have no inclusion. Above feature can be distinguished not only from that of the sediment from Changjiang River but also from that of Yalujiang. It is thus clear that mineral association feature in the delta sediment is similar to that from the Huanghe River. Obviously, the delta represents buried paleo Huanghe River delta formed during regressive period of late pleistocene. Finding of Buried paleo Huanghe River delat shows that paleo Huanghe River flowed on the south Yellow Sea shelf during late pleislocene.
