

  • 中国科学院研究生院, 中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心, 北京 100190
张卓颖(1983-), 女, 河北人, 博士研究生, 主要研究方向为投入产出分析与区域发展。E-mail: zhangzy-b08@mails.gucas.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2010-06-18

  修回日期: 2010-11-01

  网络出版日期: 2011-06-20



Intra-industrial Trade and Interregional Structural Isomorphism of Manufacturing Industry Based on China-IRIO2002

  • Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Centre on Fictitious Economy & Data Science, CAS, Beijing 100190, China

Received date: 2010-06-18

  Revised date: 2010-11-01

  Online published: 2011-06-20

Supported by

CAS Hundred Talents Program


基于2002 年中国省区间投入产出模型,从产业内贸易角度重新审视产业结构同构问题。研究表明,中国制造业存在着一定的产业结构同构现象,但空间上不均衡。华东沿海地区存在着大类层面的产业内贸易和中小分类的产业间贸易,使得江浙沪之间形成了密切的产业关联,因此不能仅以产业结构同构程度来判断产业地域分工和区域经济一体化进程。基于大类产业层次的产业结构同构分析可能会高估产业结构同构程度,在中小类产业层次判断区域间产业结构同构会得到更符合现实的结论。产业内贸易已成为中国省区间贸易联系的重要形式。各省区制造业在产业链中的分工不同、相似的需求偏好和产品差异化竞争是促进产业内贸易的重要因素。产业内贸易既可以在产业结构相似的省份之间发生,也存在于产业结构差异明显的省份之间。如果区域之间存在着活跃的产业内贸易,产业结构同构不一定阻碍区域经济一体化。


张卓颖, 石敏俊 . 中国省区间产业内贸易与产业结构同构分析[J]. 地理学报, 2011 , 66(6) : 732 -740 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201106002


This paper interprets China industrial structure isomorphism from the perspective of intra-industry based on China interregional input-output table 2002. The results verify the existence of China's industrial structure isomorphism and reveal its discrepancy at industrial and regional levels. This study points out that the industrial structure analysis at broad industry-category level may overestimate the extent of industrial structure isomorphism. It is observed from the intra-industry assessment that the intra-industry trade has become a significant form of China's inter-provincial trade connections, although the inter-industry trade is still dominant in the natural resource oriented regions. The intra-industry trade can be affected by factors such as diversity of the positions in the industrial chain, the similarity of demand preference of different provinces etc. Through the combined analysis of industrial structure isomorphism and intra-industry trade, it is emphasized in the study that the regional integration should not be judged using industrial structure isomorphism as the only criterion. Interregional economic linkages can be achieved through intra-industry trade, which means in the case of the coexistence of industrial isomorphism and intra-industry trade, industrial isomorphism will not necessarily impede the regional integration.


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