

  • 1. 兰州大学资源环境学院, 兰州730000;
    2. 兰州大学教育部西部环境重点实验室, 兰州730000
冷炳荣(1986-), 男, 江西九江人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为城市与区域规划。E-mail: llengbr@gmail.com

收稿日期: 2010-05-20

  修回日期: 2010-12-11

  网络出版日期: 2011-02-20


国家自然科学基金项目(40771064); 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-07-0398); 兰州大学引进人才基金项目

Spatial Characteristics and Complex Analysis:A Perspective from Basic Activities of Urban Networks in China

  • 1. College of Resources and Environment, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Western China's Environment Systems of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

Received date: 2010-05-20

  Revised date: 2010-12-11

  Online published: 2011-02-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771064; Plan for Person with Ability of the Ministry of Education of China in the 21st Century, No.NCET-07-0398; New Lanzhou University Foundation for Person with Ability


通过对当前城市体系研究进展和分析方法的阐述与总结,结合统计物理中复杂网络分析 工具,采用GIS、Matlab 和数据库等技术手段,构建城市联系网络,一定程度上突破了传统的等级 或位序城市关系研究,最后以2003 年和2007 年的Top1、Top5 和Top10 网络(城市联系强度的最大 值、前5、前10 名所连接的城市)为例证进行实证研究。研究表明:① 可将中国城市划分为北方城 市区、长江城市区、南部城市区3大城市区,形成了“三极多核”的空间格局。全国城市网络的联 系方向主要集中在环渤海地区、长三角地区和珠三角地区的主要城市(如北京、上海、广州)。但 是,从三大地区内部差异来看,环渤海地区城市等级性明显,长三角地区和珠三角地区呈现多核 化发展趋势,即城市网络化发展加强。Top10 网络反映各个城市前10 名的联系方向有所分散,即 呈现“最大联系极化、联系广度分散化”的发展趋势;② 从Top5、Top10 网络与随机网络、空间邻 近网络的对比来看,中国城市的实际网络既具有空间邻近网络这种规则网络的高聚类系数,又 具有随机网络所拥有的稀疏、长距离连接特性,表现为高聚类系数和短路径的双重特性,呈现 “小世界”网络特征;③ 从聚类系数的纵向变化看,2007 年比2003 年的城市网络连接更加分散, 区域的开放程度正在提高;④ 2007 年的平均路径长度稍有下降,说明全国城市网络中城市联系 更为紧密,连接通道增多。


冷炳荣, 杨永春, 李英杰, 赵四东 . 中国城市经济网络结构空间特征及其复杂性分析[J]. 地理学报, 2011 , 66(2) : 199 -211 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201102006


This paper gives both details and overview of research development and analytical methods in China’s urban systems since new China was founded. It is noteworthy that some new concepts and methods are introduced and well developed in this paper, which goes beyond the traditional hierarchical-and-order perspective. For example, we introduce the methodology and concepts from complex networks in the statistics physics field into urban studies. In addition to that, we create the urban network that is linked by basic activities among the Chinese cities at the prefecture level, by employing the technical tools such as GIS, Matlab and database analysis. Then this paper describes the changes and predicts the trends based on the empirical and comparative data of 2003 and 2007 in China. The conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) According to the network structure we can divide urban China into three parts—the Northern China System, the Yangtze River system, and the Southern China System, which display the patterns of "three centers, several cores" in urban China. The directions of linkages among cities focus mainly on the large cities in the Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta. It is indicated that the hierarchical relation in the Bohai Rim can be easily distinguished and that the network linkages in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River delta are gradually developed. In comparison with top 1 and top 5, it is shown that the directions of the linkage strength for each city in the network of top 10 tend to be more dispersed. In other words, the result is that the linkages in the network of top 1 and top 5 are inclined to be polarized and are likely to be widened in network of top 10. (2) Compared with the random network and the regular network (in this paper we choose the distance network in close relationship), the real networks such as top 1, top 5, top 10 have two typical characteristics—not only have high cluster coefficient in the distance network, but also have short path in random network. (3) It is deduced that the linkages in top 1, top 5, and top 10 tend to be decentralized as time goes by analyzing the cluster coefficient in 2003 and 2007, which means that zonal economic relationship is more open to each other. (4) Average path length decreases slightly in 2007 than in 2003, which reflects that there are close network linkages in urban China system.


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