

  • 1. 安徽师范大学国土资源与旅游学院,安徽师范大学旅游发展与规划研究中心,芜湖241003;
    2. 安徽农业大学旅游管理系,合肥230036;
    3. 合肥学院旅游系,合肥230601
陈浩(1974-), 男, 安徽霍邱人, 博士研究生, 研究方向为旅游管理。E-mail: chenhao0508@163.com

收稿日期: 2010-01-07

  修回日期: 2010-09-26

  网络出版日期: 2011-02-20



The Spatial Network Structure of the Tourism Destinations in Urban Agglomerations Based on Tourist Flow:A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta

  • 1. Collede of Territorial Resources and Tourism of Anhui Normal University, Center for Tourism Planning and Research of Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, Anhui, China;
    2. Tourism Management Department of Anhui Agriculture University, Hefei 230036, China;
    3. Tourism Department of Hefei University, Hefei 230601, China

Received date: 2010-01-07

  Revised date: 2010-09-26

  Online published: 2011-02-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.40771059


随着城市化进程的逐步推进,城市群逐渐成为旅游发展赖以依存的区域主体,也必将 成为一种特殊尺度类型的旅游目的地。文章基于相关文献的分析,界定了城市群旅游地的概 念。在对珠三角旅行社区内线路、区内长途客运、国内(省外) 旅行社赴珠三角及港澳游客实 际到达情况分析的基础上,运用网络理论和方法对珠三角城市群网络结构进行了定量研究。 结果表明,广州的到达中心性、接近性、中间度数值均较高,也是国内(省外) 游客到珠三角 的集散地,在网络中处于中心地位;深圳、珠海由于毗邻香港和澳门,是珠三角城市群区域 重要的目的地,同时也是港澳游客进入内地特别是珠三角的重要集散地。其他城市如佛山、 东莞两城市以商务旅游为主,惠州、肇庆以生态旅游为特色,而中山、江门则两者兼具的特 点。最后构建了珠三角城市群旅游地空间网络结构模式,形成“三级旅游基地、三类旅游区 域、三条主要旅游轴线”的空间模式。


陈浩, 陆林, 郑嬗婷 . 基于旅游流的城市群旅游地旅游空间网络结构分析——以珠江三角洲城市群为例[J]. 地理学报, 2011 , 66(2) : 257 -266 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201102011


With the advance of urbanization process, urban agglomeration has become a regional subject of tourism development and will become a type of special scale tourist destination. Based on the analysis of relevant literature, the article defines the concept of urban agglomeration tourism destination. Besides, based on the analysis of the travel routes inner the Pearl River Delta region, local long-distance passenger transport, domestic (out of Guangdong) travel route to the Pearl River Delta, the actual number of tourists from Hong Kong and Macao into the Pearl River Delta, and using the network theory and method, the article conducts a quantitative research on the tourism network structure of the Pearl River Delta. The results show that the degree of the closeness, reach centrality and intermediate of Guangzhou is higher than those of the others, Guangzhou is also the distribution center of the domestic tourists in the Pearl River Delta, so Guangzhou is the tourism centre of the Pearl River Delta. Bordering Hong Kong and Macao, Shenzhen and Zhuhai are important tourism destinations of the Pearl River Delta, and also the distribution center of Hong Kong and Macao tourists reaching the Mainland. Other cities, such as Foshan and Dongguan are the business tourism destinations, while Huizhou and Zhaoqing are the eco-tourism destinations. Zhongshan and Jiangmen belong to the both types of destinations mentioned above. On this basis, the article builds the tourism network structure model of the Pearl River Delta, presenting the space layout of "three tourist bases, three types of tourism areas, and three main tourist axes".


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