

  • 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京100048
王茂军(1973-), 男, 山东费县人, 博士, 副教授, 中国地理学会会员(S110005990M), 研究方向为城市地理。 E-mail: maojunw@yeah.net

收稿日期: 2010-01-25

  修回日期: 2010-09-18

  网络出版日期: 2011-02-20


教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(09YJAZH057);国家自然科学基金项目(41071112);国家“十一五” 科技支撑计划重点项目课题(2006BAJ11B06)

The Structural Features of Regional Manufacturing Industrial Association Network:A Case Study of Sichuan Province

  • College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China

Received date: 2010-01-25

  Revised date: 2010-09-18

  Online published: 2011-02-20

Supported by

Humanistic and Social Scientific Research Planning Fund Program in the Ministry of Education, No.09YJAZH057;National Natural Science Foundation, No.41071112;Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the 11 Five-year Plan Period, No.2006BAJ11B06


国民经济各产业部门通过投入产出关系构成产业网络,产业网络结构特征影响着产业结 构的演化。传统产业关联的研究多利用投入产出方法,构建指标体系描述产业的全局影响效 力,或利用主成分分析、聚类分析方法划分产业集群,这些方法都不能清晰刻画产业之间的复杂 关联关系。随着复杂网络思想和研究方法向地理学的逐步引入,产业网络结构特征的定量解剖 成为可能。论文基于复杂网络的基本思想,利用投入产出的基本流量表,试图定量讨论产业关 联网络的结构特征,并分析相关产业在网络中的不同效能。论文首先提出了产业间无向和无权 联系的有效关联测度方法,基于有效关联讨论了四川省67 部门制造业关联网络的小世界性、无 标度性和社团结构基本特征,定量识别了产业关联网络中发挥结节效能、中介效能和外联效能 的部分重要产业。有4 个发现:① 四川省制造业有效关联网络为246 对有效关联产业对的低密 度网,具备明显的无标度性、小世界性和社团结构特性,网络可以细分为6 个产业社团;② 四川 省制造业关联网络有电机制造业、仪器仪表制造业、纺织服装/鞋/帽制造业、炼焦业、工艺美术品 制造业、文化/办公用机械制造业6 个全局结节产业,有陶瓷制品制造业、制糖业、医药制造业3 个 全局中介产业;③ 各社团内部专用化学产品制造业和玻璃及玻璃制品制造业,金属制品业和汽 车零部件及配件制造业,炼焦业,文化用品制造业,纺织制成品制造业,水产品加工业同时具备 社团结节和中介地位效能;④ 网络社团通过陶瓷制品制造业、电机制造业、仪器仪表制造业、纺 织服装/鞋/帽制造业和医药制造业5 个外联产业组织起来。


王茂军, 杨雪春 . 四川省制造产业关联网络的结构特征分析[J]. 地理学报, 2011 , 66(2) : 212 -222 . DOI: 10.11821/xb201102007


Based on input-output relationships, industrial sectors of the national economy construct an industrial network. The characteristics of the industrial network structure reflect the evolution of industrial structure. Generally, research on industrial association mainly employs the method of input-output, constructs an index system to describe the overall industrial influence or uses principal component analysis and cluster analysis to categorize industrial clusters. These methods can not clearly describe the complex associative relationships among industries. With the introduction of the concept of complex network and research methods to geography, it is possible to conduct the quantitative analysis of the characteristics of industrial network structure. Based on the basic idea of complex network and by employing basic flow statement of input-output, this paper attempts to discuss quantitatively the structural features of industrial association network and to analyze different efficiencies of related industries in the network. The paper puts forward an effective association measuring method for undirected and unweighted industrial association. Based on effective association, the paper touches on the basic features of association network which has 67 manufacturing industries in Sichuan Province, such as small-world, free-scale and community structure, and identifies some important industries which play roles in hub efficiency, betweenness efficiency and information broker efficiency in this network. Four findings are obtained. Firstly, effective association network of manufacturing industries in Sichuan Province is a low density network of 246 effective association industry pairs. It has obvious features of free-scale, small-world and community structure. The network can be subdivided into six industrial communities. Secondly, manufacturing association network of Sichuan Province has six global hub industries, including electrical manufacturing, instrument manufacturing, textile and garment/shoes/hat manufacturing, coking industry, arts and crafts manufacturing and culture/office equipment manufacturing. The network has three global betweenness industries, including ceramic products manufacturing, sugar manufacturing and medical manufacturing. Thirdly, in each community, special chemical products manufacturing and glass and glassware manufacturing, steel wire products industry and automobile parts/ components manufacturing, coking industry, cultural commodities manufacturing, textile goods manufacturing and aquatic products processing industry play roles of both community hub and betweenness. Fourthly, communities are connected by five information broker industries, including ceramic products manufacturing, electrical manufacturing, instrument manufacturing, textile and garment/shoes/hat manufacturing and medical manufacturing.


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