

  • 华东师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室, 上海 200062
陈振楼 (1964-), 男, 上海人, 教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会理事, 主要从事城市水环境和水资源、河口滨岸生物地球化学研究。E-mail: zlchen@geo.ecnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2004-09-16

  修回日期: 2004-11-18

  网络出版日期: 2005-03-25


国家自然科学基金项目 (40173030; 40131020); 国家教育部优秀青年教师资助计划项目; 上海市基础研究重点项目 (02DJ14029)

Inorganic Nitrogen Fluxes at the Sediment-water Interface in Tidal Flats of the Yangtze Estuary

  • Key Laboratory of Geographical Information Science of the Ministry of Education, College of Resource and Environmental Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received date: 2004-09-16

  Revised date: 2004-11-18

  Online published: 2005-03-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40173030; No.40131020; Excellent Young Teacher Program of the Ministry of Education; Key Program of Shanghai Science Foundation, No.02DJ14029


对长江口滨岸潮滩7个典型断面三态氮的界面交换通量进行了三年多的季节性连续观测,结果表明无机氮的界面交换行为存在复杂的空间分异和季节变化。NO-3-N和NH+4-N的界面交换通量正负变化范围较大,分别介于-32.82~24.13 mmol.m-2.d-1和-18.45~10.65mmol.m-2.d-1之间;而NOsup>-2-N的界面交换通量很小,仅为-1.15~2.82 mmol.m-2.d-1。NO-3-N的界面交换具有明显的上下游季节性时空分异特征,而NH+4-N的界面交换则表现为南北岸季节性时空分异现象。盐度是控制长江口滨岸潮滩NH+4-N界面交换行为的主要因素,而沉积物粒度、水体 NO-3-N浓度、沉积物有机质含量、水温和溶解氧含量则以不同的组合方式,共同制约着 NO-3-N在潮滩界面交换的时空分异格局。


陈振楼, 王东启, 许世远, 张兴正, 刘杰 . 长江口潮滩沉积物-水界面无机氮交换通量[J]. 地理学报, 2005 , 60(2) : 328 -336 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200502016


Inorganic nitrogen fluxes at the sediment-water interface of seven typical sites in tidal flats of the Yangtze estuary had been determined seasonally during more than three years. The results revealed that the sediment-water exchanges of inorganic nitrogen appeared to be of complicated spatial differences and seasonal variations. The measured fluxes of NO-3-N and NH+4-N in the Yangtze estuary were higher than those in other estuaries, varying respectively from -32.82 to 24.13 mmol·m-2·d-1 and from -18.45 to 10.65 mmol·m-2·d-1. However, the fluxes of NO-2/sub>-N were very low, and only varied from -1.15 to 2.82 mmol·m-2·d-1. The spatial and seasonal differences between the upper and lower estuary for the NO-3-N fluxes were observed clearly, but the NH+4-N fluxes exhibited the spatial and seasonal differences between the south and north bank. It had been recognized that the NH+4-N exchange behavior was mainly controlled by the salinity, whereas the NO-3-N exchange behavior was influenced by the different combinations of the sediment grain size, nitrate concentration in overlying water, sediment organic matter content, water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration.


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