

  • 1. 国土资源部土地整理中心国土整治研究室,北京 100035;
    2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
龙花楼 (1971-), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 中国地理学会会员, 主要从事土地利用变化与土地可持续利用研究。E-mail: longhl@lcrc.org.cn

收稿日期: 2004-09-02

  修回日期: 2005-01-04

  网络出版日期: 2005-03-25


国家自然科学基金项目 (40201001); 国土资源部“百人计划”项目; 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-310)

Rural Housing Land Transition in Transect of the Yangtse River

  • 1. Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center, the Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100035, China;
    2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2004-09-02

  Revised date: 2005-01-04

  Online published: 2005-03-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40201001; Programme of Excellent Young Scientists of the Ministry of Land and Resources; Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS, No.KZCX2-310


利用样带这一综合与集成研究的工具,选取无论是在社会经济发展程度还是自然环境要素变化等方面都存在明显梯度的长江沿线样带为研究区,采用横向比较的研究方法,基于一定的理论假设,研究了区内的农村宅基地转型。研究表明:1987~2001年研究区根据土地利用变化的聚集度指数划分的各区段农村宅基地在建设用地增加中所占比例总体上看,从上游至下游,从甘孜—玉树区到泸州—迪庆区、恩施—重庆区、铜陵—宜昌区直至上海—巢湖区,这一比例逐渐降低;长江沿线样带各区段所处的农村宅基地转型阶段与样带内各区段所处的经济发展水平相吻合,基本上验证了此前的理论假设。据此,目前由各省 (区、市) 自行制定农村宅基地标准不利于实现土地的集约利用,国家应根据区域经济发展水平和自然条件的差异分区、分类制定农村宅基地标准。针对研究区目前农村宅基地的发展现状,根据区域农村宅基地转型阶段提出了相应的管理对策。


龙花楼, 李秀彬 . 长江沿线样带农村宅基地转型[J]. 地理学报, 2005 , 60(2) : 179 -188 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200502001


Each IGBP Transect has been designed around the variation of a major environmental factor as it influences terrestrial ecosystem structure and functioning. Most are organised around a gradient of either temperature or precipitation that varies continuously in geographical space. Transects are usually taken as tools for synthesis and integration. Synthesis and integration activities are essential for the practical application of transects research to management issues. Transect of the Yangtse River with obvious gradients both in the condition of physical environment and in the level of socioeconomic development is taken as a study area. There are 312 counties involving 11 provinces in the study area. Its total area amounts to 1.12 million km2. Land use transition refers to the changes in land use morphology, the overall pattern of actual land cover in a region at a given time, over time. It usually corresponds to the transition of regional socioeconomic development phase. The theoretical hypotheses of rural housing land transition are put forward as the following. That is the development of rural housing of every region should undergo some stages: the ratio of rural housing to increased settlements decreases gradually with the development of local economy, and the end of the transition corresponds to a new equilibrium between rural housing and other construction activities. Taking horizontal comparative research method, rural housing land transition in the study area is analyzed. Conclusions are drawn as follows: 1) In the period of 15 years from 1987 to 2001, the ratio of rural housing to increased settlements in five regions, divided according to the aggregation index of land use change, is generally decreased gradually from the upper reaches to the lower reaches. 2) Each region is in different rural housing land transition phases respectively, and it corresponds to its respective socioeconomic development level. The results successfully testified above theoretical hypotheses. Accordingly, the authors suggest that the state should set down uniform standard of rural housing according to the differentiation of socioeconomic development level and physical conditions instead of different provinces with its individual standard at present. Furthermore, aiming at the status quo of rural housing in the study area, corresponding regional policies should be set down according to their different rural housing land transition phases.


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