

  • 1. 中国水利水电科学研究院水资源研究所,北京 100044;
    2. 中国科学院人事教育,北京 100864;
    3. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,长春 130012
严登华 (1976-), 男, 汉族, 安徽省太湖县人, 博士后, 主要从事生态水文学与水环境安全调控研究, 已发表论文40余篇。E-mail: yandh@iwhr.com

收稿日期: 2003-08-03

  修回日期: 2003-11-19

  网络出版日期: 2004-03-25



The Advance of International Hydrology Program (IHP) and the Water Resource Research System of China

  • 1. Water Resource Department, China Institute of Water Resource and Hyro-power Research, Beijing 100044, China;
    2. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China;
    3. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS, Changchun 130012, China

Received date: 2003-08-03

  Revised date: 2003-11-19

  Online published: 2004-03-25

Supported by

The National Key Project of Science and Technology for the Tenth Five-Year Plan, No.2001BA610A-02


国际水文研究计划 (International Hydrological Program; IHP) 是国际水资源研究展示的大舞台,其发展是国际水资源研究发展的集成体现。国际水文计划的研究历程和发展态势表明,水资源研究已从单学科研究过渡到了多学科的集成研究。随着社会因子的增加,水资源研究已经成为一项系统工程。从水资源研究的发展来看,中国水资源研究整体上要滞后于国际水资源研究的步伐,但发展态势较好。中国水资源研究体系应具有显著的圈层结构特征,变化环境中的-水资源研究体系过程与机理是水循环研究的核心,构成了圈层结构的内圈;基于生态水文过程的水资源保育与保障体系是中国水资源研究体系的第二圈层;基于自然-人工二元演化模式的水资源配置体系,基于现代理、化、生技术和信息技术的节水体系以及基于市场机制的水资源高效利用的激励体系构成了水资源研究体系的第三圈层。在上述三个圈层研究的基础上,进行基于现代信息技术和管理技术的水资源综合决策和集成管理研究,以及基于现代传媒技术的水资源教育与培训体系构成了中国水资源研究体系的最高层次,是圈层结构中的外圈层。


严登华,王浩,王建华,何岩,邓伟,翟金良 . 国际水文计划发展与中国水资源研究体系构建[J]. 地理学报, 2004 , 59(2) : 249 -259 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200402011


International Hydrological Program (IHP) is the exhibiting platform of the international water resource research; its advance is the integral record and embodiment of the development of worldwide water resource research. The study history and progress regime of IHP show that the water resource research has been changed from the single subject study to integral research with multi-subject. With the increase of the social factors, water resource research has been a systematic research project. Chinese water resource research advance lags behind a little to the international water resource research development and has the better development trend with respect to water resource research. Chinese water resource research system (CWRRS) has the structure with circle-layers. The process and mechanism of water cycle in the changing environment are at the core of the CWRRS and are the inner circle-layer. The sustaining and safeguard system of water resource based on the eco-hydrological process is the second inner circle-layer. The water resource allocation system based on the natural-artificial two-term mode, the water saving system based on physical, chemical, biological and information techniques, and the prompting system of efficient water resource utilization based on the market mechanism are formed in the third circle-layer. Based on the above three circle-layers research, the synthetical decision and integral management system on water resource research based on the modern information techniques and management techniques and the water education and training system based on the modern media techniques make up of the outset circle-layer.


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