

  • 北京大学环境学院,北京 100871
来红州 (1975 -), 男, 湖北京山人, 博士生。专业为地貌与第四纪地质学。E-mail:Lai@pku.org.cn

收稿日期: 2004-01-16

  修回日期: 2004-04-29

  网络出版日期: 2004-07-25


国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (2003CB415201);国家自然科学基金项目(40271013)

Influences of the Tectonic Subsidence and the Siltation on Flood Disaster Prevention Situation in the Region of Dongting Lake

  • College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received date: 2004-01-16

  Revised date: 2004-04-29

  Online published: 2004-07-25

Supported by

National Basic Research Program of China, No.2003CB415201; National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40271013




来红州,莫多闻 . 构造沉降和泥沙淤积对洞庭湖区防洪的影响[J]. 地理学报, 2004 , 59(4) : 574 -580 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200404011


With the long-term data of the geodetic sea level measurements undertaken in the Dongting Basin and the recent sediment data of Dongting Lake, we analyze the tectonic subsidence rate of the Dongting Basin and the sedimentary rate of Dongting Lake. From the point of view of geomorphology and hydrogeology, we distinguish the two different spatial concepts between "the basin of Dongting Lake" and "the Dongting Basin". Then, we discuss the influences of the tectonic subsidence and the siltation on the space of storing flood of Dongting Lake and the levees. Under the circumstance of the basin of Dongting Lake encircled by levees, the capacity of storing flood of Dongting Lake will decrease due to the tectonic subsidence. The tectonic subsidence capacity of the Dongting Basin restrains the shrinking tendency of Dongting Lake to a certain extent, but the tectonic subsidence is harmful to the situation of preventing flood disasters in the region of Dongting Lake. The better quality of levees is required due to the tectonic subsidence and the siltation, and the difficulties of preventing flood disasters are increasing in the region of Dongting Lake.


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