

  • 1. 南京大学城市与资源学系,南京 210093;
    2. 新疆农业大学环境系,乌鲁木齐 830052;
    3. 新疆林业勘察设计院,乌鲁木齐 830002
李虎 (1975-), 男, 副研究员。E-mail:lihu2881@yahoo.com.cn

收稿日期: 2002-08-10

  修回日期: 2002-11-21

  网络出版日期: 2003-01-25



Dynamic Analysis and Evaluation of Xinjiang Forest Resources: Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

  • 1. Department of Urban and Resources Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
    2. Department of Environmental Science, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China;
    3. Xinjiang Forestry Reconnaissances and Designing Institute, Urumqi 830002, China

Received date: 2002-08-10

  Revised date: 2002-11-21

  Online published: 2003-01-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.00013989


利用RS与GIS技术对新疆境内的森林资源进行调查分析,以新疆全区为控制总体,采取卫星数据解译结合现地调查及抽样方法获取全疆森林资源数据。在GIS支持下,对1996、2001年两期卫星遥感调查数据进行对比。研究了新疆各类森林资源的动态变化。近五年森林资源变化的总趋势是林业用地、有林地、疏林地、苗圃、宜林地面积均有增加,森林覆盖率提高,活立木总蓄积量增加,实现了森林资源面积和蓄积双增长。全疆有林地面积由17331 km2增加到17837 km2,年均增加101 km2。森林覆盖率由原来的1.05 %上升到现在的1.08 %,提高了0.03 %。全疆活立木总蓄积由262416000 m3增加到289985200 m3,共增加27569200 m3,年均增加5514000 m3,年均净增率为2.00 %。分析结果表明;新疆森林资源总体呈上升趋势。但仍存在着天然林稀少、森林覆盖率低、林分年龄结构失调、树种单一等问题。


李虎,吕巡贤,陈蜀疆,侯平 . 新疆森林资源动态分析——基于RS与GIS的森林资源动态研究[J]. 地理学报, 2003 , 58(1) : 133 -138 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200301016


The variation and evaluation of Xinjiang forest resources were studied based on RS and GIS. The forest resources data in Xinjiang were obtained by using sampling method and by satellite image analysis with ground investigations. Based on GIS, the variation of Xinjiang forest resources from 1996 to 2001 was studied. As a result, the five-year variation of forest resources in Xinjiang is that not only the forestland, woodland, thin stocked land, seed plot, and proper woodland extended, but the forest cover rate and growing stock also increased. The region's woodland increased from 17,331 km2 to 17,837 km2, forest cover rate extended from 1.05% to 1.08%, growing stock increased totally from 2.62×108 m3 in 1996 to 2.90×108 m3 in 2001, a year-on-year increase of 551.40×104 m3. Per ha growing stock increased from 141.198 m3 in 1996 to 147.703 m3 in 2001, an increase of 6.505 m3. According to analysis in this paper, Xinjiang forest resources trend to increase generally, but the problem is that natural forests are sparse, forest cover rate is low, wood age structure is imbalanced. At present and in a certain period of time in the future, efforts should be made to natural forest protection projects, forest management according to classification and regional desertification control in Xinjiang's forestry.


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