收稿日期: 2002-12-19
修回日期: 2003-03-10
网络出版日期: 2003-05-25
国家自然科学基金项目(90102018; 49971073)
Landscape Ecological Evaluation for Sustainable Coastal Land Use
Received date: 2002-12-19
Revised date: 2003-03-10
Online published: 2003-05-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.90102018; No.49971073
彭建,王仰麟,刘松,吴健生,李卫锋 . 海岸带土地持续利用景观生态评价[J]. 地理学报, 2003 , 58(3) : 363 -371 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200303005
In this paper, applying landscape ecological theory, according to the principles of system comprehensiveness, regional dominance, dynamic variability, landscape ecology, scientific validity, relative independence, and manipulation, we construct landscape ecological indicators for evaluating sustainable coastal land use from the aspects of landscape productivity, landscape threatening, and landscape stability. On the aspect of landscape productivity, four indexes are chosen, that is, index of per unit area yield of crops, index of per unit area yield of aquatic product, index of per unit area total output value of industry and agriculture, and index of per unit area agricultural mechanical energy; on the aspect of landscape threatening, mostly choosing three indexes are chosen, that is, index of population density, index of land utilization ratio, and index of multiple cropping; on the aspect of landscape stability, four indexes are chosen, that is index of landscape diversity, index of landscape fragmentation, index of landscape contagion, and index of landscape fractal. The results of applying landscape ecological indicators for evaluating sustainable land use to case study in Wudi county, Shandong province, well agree with the fact.
Key words: land use; landscape ecological evaluation; coastal zone; Wudi County
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