收稿日期: 2002-09-12
修回日期: 2003-03-06
网络出版日期: 2003-05-25
河南省杰出青年基金 (0003; 9920),河南省自然科学基金 (0111070100)
Forest Landscape Patterns Dynamics of Yihe-Louhe River Basin
Received date: 2002-09-12
Revised date: 2003-03-06
Online published: 2003-05-25
Supported by
Outstanding Youth Foundation of Henan Province, No.0003; No.9920; Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province, No. 0111070100
以野外调查资料和1983~1999年森林资源分布图为主要信息源,用ARC/INFO作为空间信息处理工具,采用斑块数、平均斑块面积、破碎化指数、斑块伸长指数、分数维、稳定度等指标分析了近20年来伊洛河流域中部典型地区的森林景观格局动态。结果表明,(1) 研究区内森林总面积在增加,斑块数量迅速增大,由556块增至1 494块。其中以刺槐林、经济林和杨树林斑块数量增加最多。景观破碎化程度明显加大。(2) 森林景观要素中灌木林、刺槐林、经济林、杨树林、栎林等斑块的面积有所增加,而非林地、荒草地、疏林、油松林等斑块的面积有所减小;除杨树林外,各森林类型斑块的平均面积都在减小。 (3) 研究区内沟谷植被覆盖面积共减少了220 827.9 hm2;丘陵森林覆被面积由1983年的161 870.4 hm2增加到1999年的312 599.7 hm2,增加了93.1%;斑块数目由79块增加到758块,增加了860%。而丘陵地区斑块平均面积却大大减小;山地森林覆被面积有所减少,由1983年的375 348.6 hm2减小到1999年的338 733.9 hm2,而斑块数却大幅度增加,由1983年的432块增加到1999年的1 127块,增加了695块。(4) 研究区南北山坡森林景观格局变化明显不同,这与南北坡土地类型不同、人类活动方式不同和地形地势的差别有关。
丁圣彦,钱乐祥,曹新向,李爽,李昊民 . 伊洛河流域典型地区森林景观格局动态[J]. 地理学报, 2003 , 58(3) : 354 -362 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200303004
With the help of ARC/INFO software, based on the information from forest resources distribution maps of Luoning County of 1983 and 1999, six indices were used to analyze spatial patterns dynamics of forest landscapes of typical regions in the middle reaches of the Yihe-Luohe basin. These indices included patch number, mean patch area, fragment index, patch extension index etc. The results showed that, (1) there was a rapid increase in the number of patch and total area from 1983 to 1999 in the study area. The fragment degree was becoming serious. (2) The fractal degree of each forest patch type became increasingly great from 1983 to 1999. The mean extension index of Robinia pseudoacacia forest, non-forest, shrub forest, sparse forest and Quercus species forest had increased rapidly, but that of economic forest became zero. (3) The changes of landscape pattern were different in different geomorphic zones. From 1983 to 1999, the vegetation cover area, the gross number and the density of patches, the diversity and evenness of landscapes were all reduced greatly in gullies, but the maximum area and the mean area of patch types were increased.
Key words: forest landscape; geomorphic zone; Yihe-Luohe river basin; Luoning County
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