

  • 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
香宝 (1965-), 男, 内蒙古通辽人, 博士后、副教授, 2000年于中国科学院遥感应用研究所获博士学位, 主要从事全球变化和遥感应用研究, 已发表论文20余篇。E-mail: baoxiangb@21cn.com

收稿日期: 2001-08-10

  修回日期: 2001-10-20

  网络出版日期: 2002-01-25



Relationship of East Asian Land Cover Dynamics and Interannual Changes of Monsoon Climate

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2001-08-10

  Revised date: 2001-10-20

  Online published: 2002-01-25

Supported by

Resources and Environmental Fields Knowledge Innovation Project of CAS (No.KZCX2-308) and Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (No.20010905-14)


以东亚地区1982~1989年时间序列降水资料及AVHRR 8 km NDVI 数据为基本数据源,应用地理信息系统技术,分别研究了东亚地区夏季 (5~9月) 降水及土地覆盖的年际变化,并揭示了研究时间段内各自的变化规律。进一步用奇异值分解 (SVD) 模型方法分析了以降水变化为表征的东亚地区气候年际变化与土地覆盖年际变化之间的关系。


香宝,刘纪远 . 东亚土地覆盖动态与季风气候年际变化的关系[J]. 地理学报, 2002 , 57(1) : 39 -46 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200201005


The interannual changes of precipitation and land cover in East Asia during May-September have been studied using geographical information system technology based on the time series precipitation data and AVHRR 8 km NDVI data. Simultaneously, the variance regularities of precipitation and land cover in research period have been revealed separately. Furthermore, the paper studied the relationship of interannual changes between land cover and monsoon climate that is represented by changes of precipitation using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method. The results are as follows: 1. The precipitation dynamics: (1) The interannual changes of precipitation are apparently divided into three regions, i.e., east monsoon climate region, northwest inland arid region and northern part of East Asia. (2) The interannual changes of precipitation of monsoon region in summer have shown a zonal extension from northeast to southwest, and in that range the precipitation have obvious differences from south to north. (3) The interannual changes of precipitation of northern part of East Asia in summer season present a regularity of east to west zonal distribution, and that zone has character of annual swings of north to south. In the same year, although there exists an east to west change in the same zone, the change range of precipitation is basically unanimous within the whole strip. (4) In the northwest inland arid region except Tianshan and Altay mountains, the precipitation has obvious annual fluctuation in summer, but the range is insignificant in other regions. (5) The positive anomaly percentage of precipitation tends to expand westwards in the late 1980s, i.e., summer precipitation in western China increased gradually in the late 1980s compared with that of the earlier 1980s. 2. The land cover dynamics: (1) Land cover dynamics of summer (May-September) in East Asia are apparently differentiated into three regions such as the northwest inland region, eastern monsoon region and northern part of east Asia. (2) In the monsoon region, land cover dynamics have shown southeast to northwest and south to north differentiations. As regards the whole, the interannual changes of land cover of Northeast China Plain, North China Plain, Southwest China and Huaihe basin are relatively great. (3) In the marginal monsoon area, there exists an obvious dynamic zone expanding from northeast to southwest. This is consistent with eco-environmental fragile area of northern part of China.(4) In the northern part of East Asia, the interannual dynamics of land cover have zonal distribution features. In the same zone, there exist differences from east to west, but the interannual changes are very simple. (5) From the interannual changes of land cover, an increasing trend is seen, especially in the northern part of East Asia and midwest Qinghai-Tibet Plateau except northwest inland arid region. 3. The precipitation and land cover's relations: Based on the SVD models, we have found out that the relation of precipitation dynamics and land cover dynamics are apparently divided into three regions i.e., eastern part of monsoon region, northern part of East Asia and central part of arid region.


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