收稿日期: 2002-01-22
修回日期: 2002-09-26
网络出版日期: 2002-09-25
Study on Division of the Terrestrial System in China
Received date: 2002-01-22
Revised date: 2002-09-26
Online published: 2002-09-25
Supported by
Key Projection of CAS, No. KZ951-B1-203-1
在简要阐述陆地系统科学在中国的发展过程和陆地表层系统分区研究重要意义的此基础上,论述了陆地表层系统分区研究的目的与原则,并借鉴黄秉维所提倡的“自上而下”和“自下而上”相结合的研究思路和方法,首先以全国自然区划、生态地理区划、生产潜力分区、经济区划等4个全国性区划及温室气体倍增对未来自然地域分异界线及生产潜力分区的影响为基础,采用叠置与专家评判法将中国陆地表层系统划分成9个一级区,然后采用压力-状态-响应 (PSR) 评价模型和模糊聚类方法,对全国344个地区的46个指标进行模糊聚类分区,进而对各区的陆地表层系统综合状况进行定量评价。结果表明:地貌与气候区域分异是控制我国陆地表层系统综合状况的主导因素,而由人类活动所主导的社会经济因素是控制我国陆地表层系统综合状况的第二位因素。对9个一级区的陆地表层系统状况定量评价表明:华北区、东南区与华南区的陆地表层系统状况最好,东北区居中,内蒙区、陇陕晋区与西南区较差;西北区与青藏区最差。
葛全胜,赵名茶,郑景云,方修琦 . 中国陆地表层系统分区初探[J]. 地理学报, 2002 , 57(5) : 515 -522 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200205002
Based on the idea of Top-down and Bottom-up advocated by Huang Bingwei, five integrated divisions in China, including the physio-geographical division, the ecological division, the potential agro-productivity division, the economic division, and the response to global warming of China, are integrated to divide the terrestrial system of China into nine regions at the first level. Then by evaluating the Pressure, State and Response on 46 components for 344 prefectures in China with the PSR Models, the criteria in seven grades for terrestrial system status in every prefecture are established, and terrestrial system status for nine regions are assessed. The results show: (1) The regional differences in landforms and climate are the dominant priority to the regional terrestrial system status. (2) The socio-economic development dominated by human dimension is the secondary priority to the regional terrestrial system status. (3) For terrestrial system status in nine regions, North China, Southeast China and South China are at better level; Northeast China is at middle level; the Southwest China and Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia-Gansu-Shaanxi are at poor level; Northwest China and Qinghai-Xizang are at the worst level.
Key words: China; terrestrial system; division
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