

  • 香港大学地理系, 香港
薛凤旋 (1945- ), 男, 教授, 主要从事经济与城市地理、区域地理及发展策略研究。

收稿日期: 2002-02-14

  修回日期: 2002-07-26

  网络出版日期: 2002-11-25

A Historical Review on Theories Related to the Development and Change of Chinese Cities

  • Department of Geography, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China

Received date: 2002-02-14

  Revised date: 2002-07-26

  Online published: 2002-11-25


论述中国自周朝以来的城市概念和理论, 指出中国城市性质和城市结构的自有特点及其与西方发展经验为基础的城市概念和理论不同。将中国漫长的演变历史分为封建时代、中华人民共和国建立至1978年和 1978年以后的改革开放3个时期。3个时期所形成的城市概念和理论, 都有中国特色, 是中国城市及城市化向前发展的重要的理解和指导基础。


薛凤旋 . 中国城市与城市发展理论的历史[J]. 地理学报, 2002 , 57(6) : 723 -730 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200206013


Urbanization and city development in China have been unique. As a result, the concepts and theories developed in China related to the nature and structure of Chinese cities are quite different from those popular in urban geography that are based on Western experiences. The present paper is a historical review of these key concepts and theories regarding China's cities. It is divided chronologically into three parts: (1) feudal China; (2) China in 1949-1978; and (3) China after the implementation of the opening up and reform policy was started in 1978. The concepts and theories that have emerged in the three periods form an important foundation for understanding and guiding future urbanization and city development in China, and will contribute to comparative urban studies.


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