Understanding of the relationship between China's urbanization and economic development on provincial scale is of profound theoretical and practical significance. Based on the experience data of the 120 countries or regions in the world and 31 provinces (autonomous regions) in China, applying improved methods of quadrant map approach, this paper has a analysis of the relationship and spatial pattern between China's urbanization and economic development. Results are shown as follows. ① The 31 provincial-level units are divided into six types. The type of sharp over-urbanization is 3, the type of medium over-urbanization is 2, the type of slight over-urbanization is 8, the type of basic coordination is 4, the type of medium under-urbanization is 5, and the type of slight under-urbanization is 9. ② The relationship between urbanization and the level of economic development has significant regional differences on provincial scale. ③ The provincial pattern of urbanization and economic development presented a significant east-west difference. The eastern coastal areas are mainly over-urbanization, while the central and western regions are mainly under-urbanization. ④ The relationship between urbanization and the level of economic development is similar to Matthew effect. Two important insights are proposed. One is that the phenomenon of over-urbanization in some developed regions should be viewed and vigilant with some concern. The other is that the urbanization needs to be speeded up in the central and western regions.
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