

  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室,北京 100085;
    2. 北京师范大学资源学院 教育部环境演变与自然灾害重点实验室,北京 100875
傅伯杰 (1958-), 男, 研究员, 博导, 中国地理学会副理事长,主要从事自然地理学和景观生态学研究。E-mail: bfu@rcees.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2006-07-10

  修回日期: 2006-09-26

  网络出版日期: 2006-11-25


国家基金委创新群体项目 (40321101); 国家自然科学基金项目 (40501002; 90502007)

Progress and Perspective of Geographical-ecological Processes

  • 1. The State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS,Beijing 100085, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster of Ministry of Education; College of Resources Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Received date: 2006-07-10

  Revised date: 2006-09-26

  Online published: 2006-11-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40321101; No.40501002; No.90502007


在人类活动深刻影响和全球环境变化背景下,传统地理—生态过程研究正发生深刻变化。本文在概述地理—生态过程研究概况的基础上,指出:(1) 地理—生态过程研究的基本科学问题包括结构与过程、综合与集成两大方面,涉及结构、功能、动态、驱动力、过程、机制、要素集成、过程集成、区域集成等科学要点;(2) 地理—生态过程研究的重点集中在尺度—结构—过程相互作用、自然—经济—社会相互联系、地貌—水文—生态过程相互耦合、地理—生态过程与资源环境效应相结合等领域;(3) 地理—生态过程研究的发展呈现出系统化、综合性、交叉性和应用性的发展趋势;(4) 未来地理—生态过程研究的重大论题包括地表系统中的物质、能量和生物流过程研究,地表环境变化的驱动力研究,区域综合和区域内异质性研究,尺度推绎与转换研究,地理学的整体性研究,方法论创新,应用研究等内容;(5) 未来地理—生态过程研究应当注意加强观测、实验、调查与模拟,加强遥感与野外观测的结合,加强区域综合和全球研究,加强学科交叉等。


傅伯杰,赵文武,陈利顶 . 地理—生态过程研究的进展与展望[J]. 地理学报, 2006 , 61(11) : 1123 -1131 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200611001


Under the background of human activity and global environmental change, the research of traditional geographical-ecological processes are undergoing fundamental change over the past few decades. Based on the general overview of the research situation, the development and perspective of geographical-ecological processes are discussed in the paper. From the research progress of geographical-ecological processes, it can be inferred that the basic science research issues of geographical-ecological processes include: (1) structure and processes, which consist of structure, function, dynamic, driving forces, processes and mechanism; (2) synthesis and integration, involving elements integration, processes integration, regional integration, and other scientific points. And the studies of geographical-ecological processes focus on the scale-structure-process interactions, natural-economic-social interactions, topographical-hydro-ecological processes mutual coupling, geographical-ecological processes and the combination with resources environmental effects. The research of geographical-ecological processes in the development is showing a systematic, integrated, cross-cutting and applied development trend. And the critical issues of geographical-ecological processes in the future study can be summarized as follows: (1) the processes of materials, energy and biological flows in earth surface systems; (2) the driving forces, procedure, effects of earth's surface environment; (3) regional composition and regional heterogeneity; (4) scale and scaling; (5) holistic synthesis of geography; (6) innovation of methodology; and (7) application of the geographical-ecological processes research. To promote geographical-ecological processes study in the future, more attentions should be paid to the following issues: (1) observation, experimentation, investigation and simulation; (2) integration of remote sensing and field observation; (3) regional integration and global research; and (4) interdisciplinary research.


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