收稿日期: 2006-11-17
修回日期: 2006-12-15
网络出版日期: 2007-03-25
国家自然科学基金重大项目(30590383; 90411015)
Culture Interruptions of Ar chaeological Sites in the Three Gorges Region of the Yangtze River
Received date: 2006-11-17
Revised date: 2006-12-15
Online published: 2007-03-25
Supported by
Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.30590383; No.90411015
长江三峡考古遗址的地理位置、14C 测年数据及考古学文化年代、地面高程、文化层的连续性、文化层的埋深和厚度、文化断层的埋深和厚度等统计数据综合分析的结果表明长江三峡地区新石器时代到历史时期考古遗址沉积地层中有5 期文化断层: (1) 城背溪文化末期到大溪文化初期(7200~6000a BP); (2) 大溪文化关庙山类型三期(5800~5500a BP); (3) 夏代 (4000~3500a BP); (4) 春秋晚期至战国时期(2500~2200a BP); (5) 宋代以来(960A.D.以来)。探讨文化断层与灾变事件发生之间的关系, 从而揭示三峡地区史前和历史时期环境演变过程及其与人类活动的影响。
张芸, 朱诚 . 长江三峡考古遗址文化断层研究[J]. 地理学报, 2007 , 62(3) : 243 -256 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200703002
Archaeological excavations over many years show that there are many culture interruptions among archaeological strata of many sites in the Yangtze River Basin. Therefore, the investigation of culture interruption is one of the important research fields dealing with the relationship between human and environment since Holocene. Based on some chronological data, archaeological cultures before the Qin and Han dynasties in the Three Gorges region can be divided into six cultural periods: Chengbeixi Culture (8200-6300 a BP) →Daxi Culture (6300-5000 a BP)→Qujialing Culture (5000-4600 a BP)→Baimiao and Weijialiangzi Culture (4600-4000 a BP) →Earlier Ba Culture coming from the western part of the Yangtze River Basin (4000-3000 a BP) and Chu Culture (3000 a BP-278 BC). By the comparison between archaeological stratigraphy, sediment characteristics of cultural layers and culture interruptions, the synthetical analysis of the distribution of sites, and references from other scholars, we can see that there are 5 culture interruptions in the Three Gorges region. They are from the last stage of Chengbeixi Culture to the initial stage of Daxi Culture(5800~5500 a BP)-Xia dynasty (4000~3500 a BP)-the last stage of Chunqiu and Zhanguo stage (2500~2200 a BP)-since the Song dynasty (since 960 A.D.) in the Three Gorges. The 5 cultural interruptions relate to catastrophic events during the prehistoric and historic period to a certain extent.
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