收稿日期: 2007-03-15
修回日期: 2007-08-15
网络出版日期: 2007-12-25
The Changing Process and Mechanism of the Farming-grazing Transitional Land Use Pattern in Ordos
Received date: 2007-03-15
Revised date: 2007-08-15
Online published: 2007-12-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40561001
依据史料和已有研究成果恢复了鄂尔多斯农牧交错土地利用格局的演变过程,即清代、民国是一个由自发开垦到政府组织开垦、由汉人租佃开垦到蒙汉共同开垦、由鄂尔多斯周缘 向其内部深入的过程。进而从自然条件、人口压力、经济利益和民族融合等因素的作用探讨 鄂尔多斯农牧交错土地利用格局的演变机理。清代气候进入暖湿期,为土地开垦奠定了条件; 生态系统脆弱性又阻碍了过度开垦。中国人口空前增长和耕地单产徘徊促使耕地开发向边疆 拓展;鄂尔多斯与周边的人口梯度力以及黄土高原土地退化对人口的排斥力是促进鄂尔多斯土地开垦的根本动力。无论是民间自发的还是政府组织的,都是在追逐利益中促进了土地开垦;同时,中央与地方、蒙古人与汉人、豪强与贫民之间的利益争夺阻碍了开垦进程。蒙汉 人口结构改变和开垦中建立的共同利益关系促进了民族融合,其中的彼此接受和排斥,既加强了农业的地位,又巩固了畜牧业的地位。鄂尔多斯的农牧交错土地利用格局正是这些因素 的共同驱动和阻碍的平衡中形成和发展的。
宋乃平, 张凤荣 . 鄂尔多斯农牧交错土地利用格局的演变与机理[J]. 地理学报, 2007 , 62(12) : 1299 -1308 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200712006
The forming proces s has been resumed according to his torical materials and researched results . That was a proces s which was from nongovernmental to governmental reclamation, from Han people's tenancy to Meng and Han people's joint reclamation, and from the edge to the interior of Ordos . The changing mechanism of the farming-grazing trans itional land use pattern in Ordos was discus sed based on the factors of natural conditions , population pres sure , economic benefit and amalgamation of nationalities , etc. The period of warm-humid climate in the Qing Dynas ty provided ideal conditions for reclamation; the frangibility of the ecosys tem in this area interfered with the exces s reclamation. The farmland exploitation expanded toward borderland because of the unprecedented increase in Chinese population, and the wandering and dropping of the per unit area yield of cultivated land. The gradient force of population in Ordos and peripheries , the land degradation of the Loes s Plateau to the repuls ion for population promoted the reclamation in Ordos . Both nongovernment and government action s promoted the land reclamation in running after interes t; at the same time, the scrambling for interes t between the central and the local, Meng and Han, despots and paupers prevented the course of reclamation. The change in Meng and Han population s tructure and the common interes t relation built in the proces s of reclamation impelled the national amalgamation. The agreement and repuls ion in the national amalgamation proces s not only s trengthened the s tatus of agriculture, but consolidated the s tockbreeding as well. The farming-grazing trans itional land use pattern in Ordos was jus t formed and developed in the balancing proces s of these driving factors and obs tacles.
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