收稿日期: 2007-02-15
修回日期: 2007-08-29
网络出版日期: 2007-12-25
国家自然科学基金重点项目(40435013); 上海市、浙江省、江苏省三省市联合招标重点社科规划项目 (200505)
The Formation, Evolvement and Reorganization of Spatial Structure in Yangtze River Economic Zone
Received date: 2007-02-15
Revised date: 2007-08-29
Online published: 2007-12-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40435013; Key Project of Social Sciences under the joint bidding of Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province
在重新认识长江经济带的空间范围及空间结构内涵的基础上,运用空间数据分析的一般方法,获得了长江经济带空间分异的基本特征。经过独立发展阶段、区域集聚与链接阶段、 行政经济区阶段和空间竞争与链接阶段等4 个时期的发展,长江经济带形成了特殊的条形核 心—外围—边缘结构,存在三大核心、一条主轴、一条辅轴、四条地方轴、一个外围地区和 一个边缘地域。运用空间相互作用理论,从互补性、通达性和介入机会等方面分析了长江经 济带空间结构形成与演化的基础。为加快长江经济带空间结构的优化,首先要求空间管理组织的创新,其次是空间结构要素的优化。一个以政府、城市管理与经营者和具有跨国或跨区 域网络的精英企业三者组成的长江经济带空间组织与管理机构,是管理长江经济带的理想组 织模式,只有当政府、城市管理与经营者和企业建立起三者协商与联合的机制,才能进行有 效的空间管理。长江经济带的空间结构要素中,节点和通道是骨架,也是空间结构优化的两 大关键要素。
陈修颖 . 长江经济带空间结构演化及重组[J]. 地理学报, 2007 , 62(12) : 1265 -1276 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200712003
On the bas is of re-unders tanding the spatial scope and spatial contents of the Yangtze River Economic Zone (YREZ), applying the usual spatial data analytical methods , the natural characteris tic of spatial divis ion of the YREZ has been attained. The special band-shaped core-periphery-edge s tructure of the YREZ was formed after the four developing periods of independent development, regional concentration and connection, adminis trative economic region and spatial competion and connection and so on. The YREZ has three cores , one main axis , one secondary axis , four locational axises , one peripherical region and one edge region. The bas is of the formation and evolvement of spatial s tructure in the YREZ has been analyzed from complementarity, trans ferability and tervening opportunity and other parts by applying sptial interaction theory. To speed up optimization of spatial s tructure of the YREZ, we should bring forth new ideas in the regional organization of adminis tration. Then the es sential factors of spatial s tructure need to be optimized. One regional organization and adminis tration mis s ion, known as GCT model (G represents government, C s tands for city adminis trators and T is transnational-corporations or trans regional-corporations ), should be the mos t ideal organization model, which is composed of local government, city adminis trators and the mas ter enterprises pos ses s ing transnational-corporations or trans regional-corporations networks . When a mechanism of reaching unanimity through consultation and combination between the three bodies of local government, city and transnational or trans regional-corporations is set up, spatial adminis tration of the YREZ could be mos t efficient. Among the factors of spatial s tructure of the YREZ, the nodes and the pas sageway are the framework as well as the two mos t important factors optimizing spatial s tructure .
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