收稿日期: 2007-05-14
修回日期: 2007-09-20
网络出版日期: 2008-01-25
The Effect of Landform on Landscape Pattern Vertical Differentiation in Rapidly Urbanized Shenzhen City
Received date: 2007-05-14
Revised date: 2007-09-20
Online published: 2008-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40635028
基于RS 和GIS 的支持, 以深圳市为案例研究地形对景观格局及其垂直分布的影响, 进行景观格局时空动态分析。文章指出, 人类活动对土地的干扰程度表现为从低平地区向高 峻地区递减, 从而导致在以山地占主体的盐田等区在城市化前期低于地势平坦的福田等区; 随着城市的进一步加深, 福田等区多样性指数则快速降低, 盐田等区相对降低很少, 或还处 于上升状态。多样性指数在高程带和坡度带上多时段变化表明: 在垂直空间上, 土地利用结 构的垂直分异是景观格局垂直分异内在原因, 多样性指数的空间曲线和时间曲线具有反“U” 形库兹涅茨曲线特征, 但是这种曲线变化特征需要到一定的城市化阶段才能形成, 并且曲线 特征随城市化的加深而更加明显; 在时间上, 低海拔和低坡度地区的多样性指数的动态特征 也有类似库兹涅茨曲线的反“U”形, 而且随城市化的加深, 具有这种特征的高程带和坡度 带均在上移。
卜心国,王仰麟,吴健生 . 深圳快速城市化中地形对景观垂直格局的影响[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(1) : 75 -82 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200801008
Based on the theory of RS and GIS, the thesis focuses on the effect the topography has on the landscape pattern of a city and makes a dynamic analysis of the landscape pattern from space-time angles.The paper shows that in the rapid process of urbanization, the whole dynamic characteristic landscape pattern is influenced by landforms, while the method of taking advantage of the urban land is influenced by different topographic features. Because of the degree of influence of human activities on landscape declines with the raising of hypsography, during the initial stage of urbanization, the lower and more smooth region intersects with farm landscape and city landscape where the diversity is higher, which result in the Yantian District in Shenzhen where mountainous regions are the majority had the lower level of landscape diversity index, while the landscape diversity index of Futian District where the topography is smooth had higher ones. However, with the quickening up of the urbanization, landscape diversity in Futian District decreases quickly because of most of the farm landscape changing into city landscape, but the index of Yantian District decreases slightly, and that of Longgang District even increases. The index time development curve there presented an "anti-U" shaped pattern which is almost similar to Kuznets curves. The index that has changed for a long time at hand in elevation belt and slope shows two situations: firstly, in the perpendicular space, the characteristic of landscape diversity index, the "anti-U" shaped curve, cannot form until urbanization reaching to some extent, what's more, the characteristic will tend to be more obvious and stable eventually with the furthering of the urbanization. Secondly, in time, the characteristic of low height and low slope diversity index also presents the "anti-U" shaped curve which is similar to Kuznets curves, and with the furthering of the urbanization, both of height and slope will move upward.
Key words: landscape pattern; vertical dynamic; rapid urbanization region; RS&GIS; Shenzhen 82
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