收稿日期: 2007-07-01
修回日期: 2007-11-12
网络出版日期: 2008-01-25
国家自然科学基金项目(40771211); 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2-YW-315)
The Tr ansmutation of Settlements of Prehistor ic Cultures in Eastern Qinghai Caused by Climate Change
Received date: 2007-07-01
Revised date: 2007-11-12
Online published: 2008-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771211; Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.KZCX2-YW-315
高庙盆地内史前文化遗址密集, 史前文化聚落的分布和自然环境关系密切, 受河流地貌影响尤其显著, 绝大部分连续性文化遗址都分布在T3 阶地上。5~4 ka BP 本区气候暖湿, 对应马家窑到马厂时期, 盆地内聚落分布由T3 阶地向T2 转移, 聚落分布模式由均匀到凝 聚, 数量和规模持续扩大, 到马厂时期, 聚落发展到鼎盛, 并出现了中型遗址, 成为聚落的中心, 聚落等级上升为两级; 4 ka BP 时气候突变, 急剧的降温, 使得从齐家文化到卡约—辛 店文化, 盆地内的聚落形态倒退。因此, 气候变化对盆地内聚落演变影响显著, 聚落对气候变化的响应明显。
侯光良,刘峰贵,萧凌波,曾早早 . 青海东部高庙盆地史前文化聚落演变与气候变化[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(1) : 34 -40 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200801004
There are many prehistoric relics in the Gaomiao Basin. The location of the prehistoric relics closely relates to the natural environment, especially to rivers and terraces. At 5-4 ka BP, the climate of Gaomiao Basin was humid and warm. It was the period from the Majiayao culture to the Machang culture. During this period, the distribution of settlements in this region changed from T3 to T2. The distribution format was also changed from even-distribution to concentration with numbers and scales keeping expanding. Up to the time of Machang culture, the development of settlements reached the climax. Medium-sized settlements appeared, raised to the second level and became the center of the whole region. At 4 ka BP, the climate changed abruptly and the rapid decline in temperature led to the transition from Qijia Culture to Kayue Culture and then to Xindian Culture. What's more, the development of settlements declined. Therefore, the climate changes greatly impacted the transmutation of settlements. Meanwhile, the transmutation also responded to the climate changes sensitively.
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