收稿日期: 2007-06-07
修回日期: 2007-11-20
网络出版日期: 2008-02-25
福建省科技厅课题(2004R12); 福建师范大学地理科学学院人文地理学重点学科项目支撑
Regional Economic Disparities and Coordination of Economic Development in Coastal Areas of Southeastern China, 1995- 2005
Received date: 2007-06-07
Revised date: 2007-11-20
Online published: 2008-02-25
Supported by
Project of Science and Technology Department of Fujian Province, No.2004R12; Key Project of Human Geography from College of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University
采用东南沿海地区市55 个地区市的1995-2005 年间的经济综合发展水平数据, 对东南 沿海地区总体、局部的空间差异变化、空间格局的演化、特征及成因进行了初步探索。结果 表明: ① 1995-2005 年东南沿海地区经济发展水平差异时序分布和地区内部“极化”态势同 向, 表明东南沿海地区存在“两极分化”现象。② 东南沿海地区在1995-2003 年间地区经济 差异不断扩大, 这一时期, 三大地区内部经济差异水平分布层次不齐, 呈现南高北低的渐变 趋势, 表明这一阶段性的地区差异变动主要是由广东省、福建省内部差异构成; 2003 年以 来, 东南沿海地区经济差异呈现收缩趋势, 同时期, 三大地区经济差异均有收缩态势, 与东 南沿海地区整体差异变化趋势同向, 主要是由于长三角地区均衡发展驱动地区整体差异的缩 小; ③ 地区经济空间演化特征与地区经济差异时序波动吻合, 相应地在空间上呈现出“极 化→扩散”现象。
伍世代, 王强 . 中国东南沿海区域经济差异及经济增长因素分析[J]. 地理学报, 2008 , 63(2) : 123 -134 . DOI: 10.11821/xb200802002
The coastal areas of southeastern China are the main force engine of China's economic growth. With its fast development, remarkable economic disparities occurred and along with the deepening of the reform and opening up policy in recent years, the economic disparities presented an expanding tendency. Based on 55 cities in the coastal areas of southeastern China during the period 1995-2005, this paper carried out a preliminary exploration of the changes in overall and partial spatial differences and the spatial pattern evolution, characteristics and causes. First, 1995-2005, the difference in the coastal areas of southeastern China at the level of economic development and the trend of the "polarization" are consistent, which proved that there exists a "polarization" phenomenon in southeastern coastal areas. Second, 1995-2003, the regional economic disparities in southeastern coastal areas continue to expand during this period. The economic disparities of the three major regions show a south-to-north gradual declining trend, indicating that such periodic changes in regional differences were mainly caused by the internal differences in Guangdong and Fujian. Since 2003, the economic differences in the southeastern coastal areas have been shrunk, and meanwhile the differences in the economic development of the three major regions also show a shrinking trend, which are the same as to the overall difference in the coastal areas of southeastern China , mainly due to the balanced development of the Yangtze River Delta region. Finally, the spatial evolution of the regional economy and regional economic differences are in the same line, corresponding to a "polarization → proliferation" phenomenon.
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